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Create: Gearsmith's Dominion

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Embark on a journey through the sprawling open world through the sea and skies above, in a land where Illagers have all but taken over the world. There are still remnants of old villages, taken over by the Pillagers and their companions and many villages and structures were left to ruin. Despite these events, the villagers still persist, some even fleeing to the skies. On the land, the Illagers may decide to attack at night without warning and will raid with greater force than ever, but you also have to be wary of the seas as they are filled with loot and danger.



This modpack is still a work in progress


We have decided to wait for Create: Aeronautics to be released and have removed the following mods because of too many bugs/performance issues:
-Removed Eureka!
-Removed Eureka! Create Airships!
-Removed Valkyrien Skies
-Removed Create Airship Recipes Data pack

-WILL replace above mods with Create: Aeronautics upon its release




Create Encased: Mixers from Create:Encased do not work at all with double speed enabled in config, disabling made them work like a normal mixer.
Dimensional Threading: Kept making a million fish spawn around the player, or nothing would be spawning at all in the water.
VS_Eureka + Refined Storage: Storage works on VS_Eureka ships, but barely

Noted issue on (dis)assembly:

  • Blocks rotate - Power drains  - Drives eject - Wireless unavailable - Storage BLOCK deletes inventory - Portable grid works but rotates on (dis)assembly

Create More Drill Heads: Doesn't load correctly server side, had to remove it from client and server
Better Statistics Screen + Valhelsia Structures: Conflict to where looking at Mobs Hunted in Better Statistics Screen and seeing entity.valhelsia_structures.mossy_skeleton causes all entities in the game to be invisible until restarting the game.

Waystones Teleport Pets: Prevented the player from teleporting with waystones at all because of an error with the mod.

Create Extended Cogs: Breaks Create: Encased shafts and makes them appear like the Shaftless Cog and are made non-functional

Building Gadgets: Dungeon Libraries does something to Building Gadget to where they can't be used in Survival Mode..



These Disclaimers only apply to Create Gearsmith's Dominion 1.0.0

-Do NOT travel between dimensions on VS Eureka Ships, will disappear above Y:319

-Only travel by Elytra with Forgiving Worlds Dimension Stacking or none at all

-Refined Storage is NOT recommended on VS Eureka Ships for the following reasons

-Refined Storage: Storage block deletes all items when assembling/disassembling VS Eureka Ships

-Refined Storage Drives are ejected when assembled/disassembled

-Immersive Engineering breaks on VS Eureka Ships 

      -Non-functional blocks SHOULD be fine, but not fully tested.

-Do NOT use VS Eureka Ship as main base because of aforementioned reasons and other potential bugs.