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Fusion (Connected Textures)




Fusion is a library for both Forge and Fabric which adds additional resource pack features such as connected textures and custom entity models to be used in resource packs and other mods!
Integration with Fusion can be done optionally for a soft dependency.

📖 Wiki

For resource packs:
For mod developers:



Connecting textures

Connected textures are textures with a special layout which allows them to connect to other blocks when combined with the connecting model type. Fusion offers 7 different connecting texture layouts for different situations.

Here are examples of the full and compact layouts:

Bordered wooden tiles exampleSteel beams example




Scrolling texture

Scrolling textures are a type of animated texture which scrolls over an image. The scrolling can occur from any corner to any other corner of the texture, even diagonal!
Here is an example of a conveyor belt:

Scrolling texture conveyor exampleScrolling texture conveyor belt




Continuous textures

Continuous textures allow creating textures which span multiple blocks!

Large stone bricks example




📐 Block overlays

Using the features provided by the connecting model and connecting texture type, you can also achieve block overlays!

Sand overflow exampleGrass overflow example




Custom entity models

Custom entity models and entity model modifiers allow resource packs to change entity models and textures randomly or depending various conditions such altitude, biome, dimension, age, etc.

Custom chicken modelTaiga cow variant




Can I use your mod in my modpack?
Yes, you are allowed use Fusion in your modpack
Do I need to install Fusion on the server?
No, Fusion is only required on the client and does nothing when installed on a server
Why does Fusion not work with Sodium?
Sodium ignores the Fabric rendering api. To solve this install Indium.