Adds serveral new mechanics and difficulty scaling to the Ender Dragon fight, making it a challenge and fun experience for any player amount.
- The fight scales with the player amount
- The fight scales with world and config difficulty
Requires Cupboard dependency to be installed on newer versions
- Scaling difficulty with player numbers: Scales mob spawn amount, dragon health and damage, crystal respawn frequency. Config static difficulty is added ontop of it
- Spawns aggro enderman at players, normal enderman spawn is disabled around.
- Respawns crystals after a time interval
- Fireballs do some additional explosion damage
- Breaking crystals can cause some debuffs and mob spawns
- Dragon spawns lightning bolts
- Dragon no longer can be cheesed with beds/explosions
- Dragon has an anti-flying cheese attack
- Set the difficulty of the dragonfight, to adjust to the modpack difficulty
- Disables mob spawning on the dragon island
- Set which mobs spawn on crystal destruction, respawn and while the dragon is on the ground
- Modifiers for HP/XP/DMG/Mob spawn amount (version 4.2+)
Only required on serverside
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The development is an unpaid free-time activity, so any support helps being able to spend more time on it.
You can support me on Patreon or just spreading the word around.