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Integrated Stronghold

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FORGE & FABRIC: 1.18.2, 1.19.2 & 1.20.1


Required Mods:

Integrated API 



Quark (Forge Only)


Optional Integrated Mods:


Biomes You'll Go


Farmer's Delight

End Remastered (Datapack needed)

The Graveyard (Datapack needed)



Biomes O' Plenty


Ars Nouvea

Mowzie's Mobs (1.18 Only)

Alex's Mobs (Datapack Needed)

Dungeons Mobs (Datapack Needed)


Better Nether

Better End






Integrated Stronghold is the second mod in the Integrated Structure series (the first being IDAS). Not only does it completely overhaul the boring old Minecraft stronghold structure with tons of heavily detailed rooms to explore, but it integrates Supplementaries/Quark decorations and Create mod doors, puzzles, traps, and more. It is the biggest generated structure dungeon you have ever explored, it takes up the maximum size possible in Minecraft. Additionally, it greatly expands upon the lore of the stronghold in Minecraft through lore books found in chests. I got sick of installing structure mods into a pack and roaming the world, only to find vanilla items and nothing of difficulty anywhere. I love detailed builds and Create machines, so I decided to make mods that adds exactly what I’ve been missing. Beautiful and challenging dungeons and structures packed with lore that are fully integrated into multiple core mods.


Check out my other projects!


It is compatible with other stronghold mods (such as Yung's Better Strongholds) but it is HIGHLY recommended you only use this mod to preserve the integrated feeling and original intent.





Configuration and optional Integration:

To enable optional integration, download these datapacks


To configure anything else, download this datapack

  • To change the spawn rate, change the spacing and separation in the structures set file. Spacing is the Average distance between two neighboring generation attempts. Value between 0 and 4096
    Separation is the Minimum distance in chunks between two neighboring attempts. Value between 0 and 4096. Can't be bigger than spacing
  • To edit biomes, edit the biome files in tags/worldgen/biome/has structure
  • To change what mobs spawn throughout the structure, edit the integrated_structure_spawners files. Adding mobs to these is fairy straightforward, take a look at one of the optional datapacks if you need an example


Note: To use datapacks on a server, I recommend using a global datapack mod or KubeJS



Over 50 unique heavily detailed dungeon rooms making the experience different every time:

-  Unique small and detailed rooms including study rooms, kitchens, armories, mines, and more

-  Massive rooms to explore and uncover the secrets of including the portal room, grand library, dining hall, and more

-  Medium sized rooms such as prisons, fountains, enchanting rooms, portal rooms, and more

-  Tons of variations of trapped hallways to keep you on your toes

-  2 Custom made music discs by Cama to breath life into the stronghold. One can be found be crafting disc fragments found in the stronghold.

-  Lore books hidden in chests expanded upon the Minecraft lore greatly and giving the stronghold a true backstory and purpose in your world, while still leaving room for the player to piece together it's history.

-  Customized loot, weapons, and tools matching the lore books.

-  Create mod puzzles and traps to navigate

Join my discord to make suggestions and influence my future projects!


If you have trouble finding the stronghold, use Eye of Enders to locate it or use "/locate integrated_stronghold:stronghold"


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What biome mods are compatible?

A: Most biome mods are compatible including Terralith, BOP, and BYG.


Q: Why are there so many dependencies?

A: Yes.

Q: Will you backport/update to ___?

A: I will always keep the mod up to date with the newest versions of Minecraft as the dependencies update. I am also currently working on the port to fabric


Q: Does this mod work with other structures mods?

A: Yes all of Yung's mods, Repurposed Structures and more will all work but it is HIGHLY recommended you only use this Stronghold overhaul mod. YUNG's Stronghold is good but the detail and integration put into this mod makes it miles more immersive and a better experience overall without question in my opinion. If you don't believe me try it out for yourself!


Q: Can I use this mod in a modpack?

A: Yes! I would love it if this mod gets used in packs.


Q: Can this mod be only on the server-side?
A: No, due to its custom music discs and soundtrack


Q: What features from Quark can be disabled? 

A: All of the technical changes and Redstone can be disabled without problem. IDAS uses all the building blocks though.




I’ve spent over 500 hours building and coding my mods. I learned Java specifically for this. If you've enjoyed my projects a ton, two great ways to support me are through Patreon directly, or buying your server through Bisect Hosting. Click on the above picture to get a server, use my code CraisinCraft to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends! Set up is so easy, it's basically one click.


Click on the picture bellow for my patreon to directly support me. You'll get exclusive discord roles, chats, and get to directly influence the development of my mods.



Special thanks to:

My Patrons!!!

Howester1984 who helped me build the stronghold!

Cama, the author of the incredible music disc you find in the mod

The Bisect Hosting team and especially Perz for making the logo for this mod!

MegRae, I used her tutorial to build the hanging dragon chandelier in the portal room.

TelepathicGrunt, the author of Repurposed Structures. I used the files from their mod a ton for coding references.

YUNGNICKYOUNG for his jigsaw manager.

My cat Fonzy for sitting on my lap while I coded this entire thing. Having weights on your lap really helps you stay focused


Join the Discord by clicking on the image or link below if you run into an issue of any kind or have a suggestion, I'll try my best to respond to everyone and would absolutely love suggestions! Thanks for playing and supporting my mod!