FORGE/FABRIC 1.18.2, 1.19.2, & 1.20.1
This is a library mod for the Integrated Structures series by CraisinLord. It puts shared utilities such as structure types and data abstractions into one shared mod.
Currently, Integrated API is required for
For Mod Devs feel free to use this mod as a dependency! It provides:
The API includes the following:
- Create Mod contraption compatability
- Replace blocks on the condition that another mod is installed
- Easy to use cartographer map trades
- Expanded structure block limit from 48 to 256
- Custom new and improved jigsaw manager
- Tons of configuration options added to structure json files
- Lightweight math utilities
- Use the IDAS config datapack as an example for how to do this
Join the Discord by clicking on the image or link below if you run into an issue of any kind or have a suggestion, I'll try my best to respond to everyone and would absolutely love suggestions! Thanks for playing and supporting my mods!
I’ve spent over 500 hours building and coding my free mods. I learned Java specifically for this. If you've enjoyed my projects a ton, two great ways to support me are through Patreon directly, or buying your server through BisectHosting and using the code CRAISINCRAFT for 25% off.