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Loot Integrations

Allows loottables to integrate loot into other loottables through datapacks.

The datapack also lets you control how many items the resulting loottable produces, e.g. limiting the items in a loot chest to 12 items total.

By default this mod includes integration for improving a lot of structure/dungeon mod's chest loot.

Only required on serverside

Requires Cupboard dependency to be installed in newer versions

You integrate loot from loottables into other loottables via Datapacks.

  • Add Loot from a chosen loottable into a List of loottables with item amount ("loot_table" -> "integrated_loot_tables")
  • Select the fill factor of the resulting chest (preventing overfilled chests) ("max_result_itemcount")

Example usecase1: Add treasure from vanilla end city chests to a custom dungeon:

 This adds 3 items into the given dungeon crawl chests, when those are opnened, from the end city treasure loottable.

(datapack path: data/lootintegrations/loot/cityexample.json)

Example json

Example usecase2: Injecting a new vanilla lootable into vanilla chests:

You create a custom treasure loottable via datapack like this:

(datapack path: data/treasure/loot_tables/chests/simle_dungeon_addition.json)

Example json

Next you add a datapack to loot integrations which places items from your custom loottable into the selected vanilla tables:

This adds 1 random item selected from our custom loottable to the vanilla loottables

(datapack path: data/lootintegrations/loot/treasureexample.json)

Addons for structure mods adding better loot and increasing mod compatibility:


If you enjoy this mod consider supporting the development, any support is greatly appreciated.

The development is an unpaid free-time activity, so any support helps being able to spend more time on it.
You can support me on Patreon: