Inspired by Project Ozone. Extreme crafting, tech, magic, and automation!
Ozone Skyblock Reborn is an expert skyblock questing modpack that aims to challenge the player while guiding them through numerous quests to achieve rewards. The quest line will take the player through mods for Minecraft version 1.20.1, with the ultimate goal being to craft creative-only items and complete a few "simple achievements". Technology, magic, exploration, automation, and more are at your fingertips! This pack is multiplayer friendly with quest rewards sharing options available. To learn how to create separate islands for each player, run the command /gog help.
PACK MODES: This modpack has two difficulties. The first is Normal mode, similar in difficulty to "Titan Mode" of Project Ozone. The second is Expert mode, similar in difficulty to "Kappa Mode" of Project Ozone. As the end-game approaches, the pack will scale up in difficulty. Commands: /packmode set Expert for expert mode, /packmode set Normal for normal mode. Modpack default is set to normal mode. The difficulty setting will apply to all players in a save/server. Cheats will have to be enabled (open to lan, enable cheats, enter command, and then restart world to disable cheats) or you will need to be a server operator. If you don't want to use commands, you can also change the packmode via the packmode-common.toml config file: "Pack Mode" = "Expert" or "Pack Mode" = "Normal". Make sure to change the config before loading your world. This process (either commands or config file editing) will need to happen each time the modpack updates if you wish to play on Expert mode, as the modpack will always default to Normal mode.
This modpack is inspired by the 1.7.10 modpack "Project Ozone 2: Reloaded" by TheCazadorSniper. If you haven't played it before, you should check it out here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/project-ozone-2-reloaded (And thanks to TheCazadorSniper for giving this pack a shout-out on Twitter!)
To download, please install the Curseforge app, search for "Ozone Skyblock Reborn" and click Install.
Feel free to leave comments of feedback, questions, concerns, or bugs. Thanks for downloading!
*If you wish to stream or post a video using this modpack, please link to the original project page*
Official Discord Server: https://discord.gg/GhwnpFeWKH
Updated Server Packs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iwMkd7_ez6o_sm-37JGeO6samSz49JCu?usp=sharing
World seed with a forest spawn: 643847447
Mod List:
- XNet Gases (by Terrails)
- Kotlin for Forge (by thedarkcolour)
- Item Filters (by LatvianModder)
- Konkrete [Forge/NeoForge] (by Keksuccino)
- RFTools Base (by McJty)
- FastBoot (by dnlayu)
- KubeJS (by LatvianModder)
- Compacter (by bdew)
- Wooden Shears (by thecech12)
- Silverwolf's Currency Mod (by sliverwolf11420)
- Custom Starter Gear (by brandon3055)
- Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Mob Despawn Timers (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- MEGA Cells (by ninety)
- Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Resourceful Config (by ThatGravyBoat)
- Ceramic Shears (by thecech12)
- The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
- libIPN (by mirinimi)
- Rhino (by LatvianModder)
- Angry Mobs (by Mrbysco)
- Drippy Loading Screen (by Keksuccino)
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features - [Fabric & Forge] (by Traben)
- Twilight Forest: JAPPA Pack (official addon) (by Killer_Demon)
- Angel Ring (by DenisMasterHerobrine)
- Architectury API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (by shedaniel)
- Default World Type [Forge] (by MelanX)
- JAMD (by UnRealDinnerbone)
- FTB Backups 2 (by FTB)
- Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar)
- RFTools Control (by McJty)
- RSInfinityBooster (by hexeptiondev)
- Thermal Integration (by TeamCoFH)
- Melody (by Keksuccino)
- Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH)
- CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- KleeSlabs (by BlayTheNinth)
- XNet (by McJty)
- Lootr (Forge & NeoForge) (by Noobanidus)
- Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
- FTB XMod Compat (by FTB)
- KubeJS Botany Pots (by BobVarioa)
- FerriteCore ((Neo)Forge) (by malte0811)
- Measurements (by Mrbysco)
- Hang Glider [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Refined Polymorphism (by ninety)
- Trash Cans (by SuperMartijn642)
- Deimos Lib (by Mars)
- Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135)
- Sprinklerz (by TelloVilla)
- SebastrnLib (by ItsSebastrn)
- Trenzalore (by UnRealDinnerbone)
- Torcherino (by sci4me)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- GraveStone Mod (by henkelmax)
- Craft Slabs Back into Blocks [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] (by Mars)
- Almost Unified (by AlmostReliable)
- Bridging Mod (by CG360)
- Extreme sound muffler - (Neo)Forge (by LeoBeliik)
- Amendments (by plantspookable)
- Re:Avaritia[Forge/Fabric/Neoforge] (by cnlimiter)
- Cyclic (by Lothrazar)
- FTB Library (Forge) (by FTB)
- YUNG's Better End Island (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Solar Flux Reborn (by Zeith)
- Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0)
- Realm RPG: Dragon Wyrms (by nocubeyt)
- Hyperbox (by Commoble)
- Cable Tiers (by Ultramegaaa)
- AppleSkin (by squeek502)
- Jade 🔍 (by Snownee)
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
- Eccentric Tome (by EccentricVamp)
- Just Enough Immersive Multiblocks (by aronson_1)
- Translocators 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Chunk Loaders (by SuperMartijn642)
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (by desht_08)
- Explorer's Compass (by Chaosyr)
- Reliquary Reincarnations (by P3pp3rF1y)
- Elementary Nether and End Ores (by Lothrazar)
- Runelic (by DarkhaxDev)
- ExtraStorage (by 3divad99)
- Botania: Garden of Glass (by Vazkii)
- Relics (by SSKirillSS)
- Charging Gadgets (by Direwolf20)
- Chance Cubes (by TurkeyDev)
- Factory API (by Wilyicaro)
- FTB Quests (Forge) (by FTB)
- TwerkItMeal - Twerk To Grow All The Things (by TicTicBoooom)
- Ad Astra (by AlexNijjar)
- Scalable Cat's Force (by Kotori316)
- Crafting Station: JEI Edition (by Fureniku)
- FastSuite (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- DimStorage (by 3divad99)
- Loot Bags+ (by MARVELLOO)
- Refined Storage Addons (by raoulvdberge)
- CobbleForDays (by LexManos)
- Artifacts (by ochotonida)
- Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev)
- Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur)
- Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
- Construction Wand (by ThetaDev)
- Mekanism Generators (by bradyaidanc)
- JEITweaker (by Jaredlll08)
- Botany Pots (by DarkhaxDev)
- Searchables (by Jaredlll08)
- Gadgets Against Grind (by MaxNeedsSnacks)
- Powah! (Rearchitected) (by thetechnici4n)
- Saturn (by AbdElAziz333)
- Boss Refreshed (by lukidon)
- FTB Ultimine (Forge) (by FTB)
- Packet Fixer (by TonimatasDEV)
- Why stacks of 16? (by LaidBackSloth)
- Titanium (by Buuz135)
- Refined Storage: Requestify (by Buuz135)
- BdLib (by bdew)
- Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
- Ender IO (by crazypants_mc_the_second)
- FramedBlocks (by XFactHD)
- Extra Disks (by MelanX)
- Morph-o-Tool (by Vazkii)
- AEInfinityBooster (by hexeptiondev)
- Applied Mekanistics (by ramidzkh)
- Default Server Properties (by ErrorMikey)
- Chipped (by terrariumearth)
- Balm (by BlayTheNinth)
- LaserIO (by Direwolf20)
- Snad (by TheRoBrit)
- Botarium (by CodexAdrian)
- Drawers Tooltip (by Snownee)
- CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
- RFTools Dimensions (by McJty)
- Wooden Bucket (by thecech12)
- Yeetus Experimentus (by Sunekaer)
- RFTools Storage (by McJty)
- [EMF] Entity Model Features [Fabric & Forge] (by Traben)
- Mystical Agradditions (by BlakeBr0)
- Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH)
- Fuel Goes Here (by LobsterJonn)
- Ex Deorum (by thedarkcolour)
- Mana Visualizer (by Zombiebear99)
- Refined Storage (by raoulvdberge)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops (by pamharvestcraft)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended (by pamharvestcraft)
- Framed Compacting Drawers (by Eutro)
- Applied Botanics Addon (by ramidzkh)
- Handcrafted (by terrariumearth)
- Patchouli (by Vazkii)
- Mekanism (by bradyaidanc)
- Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth)
- Just Another Void Dimension (by UnRealDinnerbone)
- Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055)
- Mekanism Tools (by bradyaidanc)
- Extended Crafting (by BlakeBr0)
- Mekanism Additions (by bradyaidanc)
- Tool Leveling+ [Forge] (by Buecher_wurm)
- AI Improvements (by QueenOfMissiles)
- Forge Config Screens [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals (by Mari_023)
- The Aether (by TheAetherTeam)
- Collective (by Serilum)
- EdivadLib (by 3divad99)
- Athena (by CodexAdrian)
- Moonlight Lib (by MehVahdJukaar)
- FTB Chunks (Forge) (by FTB)
- Farming for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
- Charm of Undying (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Iron Jetpacks (by BlakeBr0)
- Glodium (by GlodBlock)
- Polymorphic Energistics (by ninety)
- ExtendedAE (by GlodBlock)
- FTB Teams (Forge) (by FTB)
- Almost Unify Everything (by KitsuneAlex)
- Enhanced Celestials - Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons (by Corgi_Taco)
- Botany Trees (by DarkhaxDev)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
- Universal Grid (by Ultramegaaa)
- RFTools Power (by McJty)
- Just Enough Mekanism Multiblocks (by gisellevonbingen)
- FLIB (by Lothrazar)
- AE2 Things [Forge] (by thetechnici4n)
- Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0)
- Thermal Locomotion (by TeamCoFH)
- PackagedAuto (by TheLMiffy1111)
- Incendium (by Starmute)
- RightClickHarvest (by jamalam360)
- Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
- Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii)
- Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr)
- OctoLib (by SSKirillSS)
- Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Common Network (by Mysticdrew)
- Project Expansion (by Donovan_DMC)
- Inventory Profiles Next (by mirinimi)
- ModernFix (by embeddedt)
- Applied Energistics 2 (by thetechnici4n)
- More Overlays Updated (by RiDGo8)
- Fusion (Connected Textures) (by SuperMartijn642)
- Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki)
- Cupboard (by someaddon)
- Resourceful Lib (by ThatGravyBoat)
- Necronomicon API (by ElocinDev)
- PackagedExCrafting (by TheLMiffy1111)
- Not Enough Crashes (Forge) (by NatanFudge)
- Savage Creepers - John Cena (by MuggleOrWizard)
- Click Machine (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Thermal Cultivation (by TeamCoFH)
- Better Furnaces Reforged (by Wilyicaro)
- Refined Cooking (by ItsSebastrn)
- More Mob Variants (by nyuppo)
- Bygone Nether (by izofar)
- FancyMenu (by Keksuccino)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core (by pamharvestcraft)
- McJtyLib (by McJty)
- YetAnotherConfigLib (by isXander)
- Checklist (by LCLC98)
- Pretty Pipez (by pyrox645)
- ZeroCore 2 (by ZeroNoRyouki)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees (by pamharvestcraft)
- Mystical Customization (by BlakeBr0)
- Colorful Hearts (by Terrails)
- Krypton Reforged (by Txni)
- ProjectE (by SinKillerJ)
- PackMode (by Sky_Som)
- Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise)
- CB Multipart (by covers1624)
- CorgiLib (by Corgi_Taco)
- Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Pipez (by henkelmax)
- Embeddium (by FiniteReality)
- Entangled (by SuperMartijn642)
- HammerLib (by Zeith)
- Applied Cooking (by ItsSebastrn)
- Thermal Innovation (by TeamCoFH)
- Dark Paintings (by DarkhaxDev)
- Angel Block Renewed (by LaidBackSloth)
- Ad Astra: Giselle Addon (by gisellevonbingen)
- Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (by shedaniel)
- Extractinator (by AlexNijjar)
- GeckoLib (by Gecko)
- Useful Slime (NeoForge/Fabric) (by MincraftEinstein)
- RFTools Builder (by McJty)
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI)
- Haven Ex Deorum Expansion (by CathieNova)
- Caelus API (Forge/NeoForge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Tiny Coal (by AzureDoomC)
- RFTools Utility (by McJty)
- FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) (by FTB)
- Global Narration Toggle (by Serilum)
- Hostile Neural Networks (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Formations Nether (by SuperMartijn642)
- Slab Machines (by Mrbysco)
- Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
- Pig Pen Cipher (by DarkhaxDev)
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
- Tesseract (by SuperMartijn642)
- OpenBlocks Elevator (by vsngarcia)
- Brandon's Core (by brandon3055)
- PackagedDraconic (by TheLMiffy1111)
- Formations (Structure Library) (by SuperMartijn642)
- Double Doors (by Serilum)
- Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod (by tom54541)
- Not Enough Recipe Book [NERB] (by SSKirillSS)
- Botania (by Vazkii)
- Botany Pots Tiers (by Ultramegaaa)
- Building Gadgets (by Direwolf20)
- Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
- Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (by Kreezxil)
- Mob Grinding Utils (by vadis365)
- Global Packs (by JTK222)
- BucketLib (by thecech12)
- Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
- Ensorcellation (by TeamCoFH)
- Mekanism CTM w/ Fusion (by Phobos043)
- Advanced Mining Dimension (by henkelmax)
- Iron Chests: Restocked (by ThatGravyBoat)
- Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (by tr7zw)
- The Undergarden (by Quek04)
- PolyLib (by Official_CreeperHost)
- Nullscape (by Starmute)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
Main Menu Music: Space Ambient Sci-Fi by Aleksey Chistilin
Curseforge Icon Art: oly2o6