Release Date
Server utility mods and powerful permissions system
TerraFirmaCraft (TFC) is a total conversion mod that overhauls and reinvents survival mode.
just a fork of D3Core for 1.7
New axes that can chop whole trees or even the entire forest!
Ever wanted torches to just burn away like your hopes and dreams?
Sick of setting up every instance? Keybindings flustering you? Make it once and forget about it!
Right click with any tool to use the "place" action with the next slot in your hotbar
You should wear a helmet when you go mining...
Allows customization of some Night Vision mechanics.
The Original Crafting recipe randomiser that started it all.
Automate any keybinding! With custom delays.
Automatic Twitch/GameWisp/Patreon Whitelist Management
Helpful commands for servers or singleplayer!
Now is not the time to use that.
TerraFirmaCraft 1.7.10 Official Server Modpack!
Automatic Twitch/Patreon/... Whitelist Management
"Core" mod used for DoubleDoorDevelopment mods!
Configurable loot bags with full NBT support!
No more will you need to type out shaped or shapeless recipes.... EVER!