1.17 and 1.18 alpha builds are now available on curse!
Forge Essentials aims to provide a suite of powerful fully server-side utilities to make running, administrating and using a server better and easier. This mod only needs to be installed on the server and should not be installed at all on the client. The companion mod is a client mod, which may be optionally downloaded to enable additional features like WorldEdit CUI.
- WorldEdit is not included in FE and must be downloaded separately
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Please, do not send me IM messages about bugs / issues. If you need help go to our discord server.
Forge Essentials contains the following modules:
- Afterlife
Places a configurable Totem on death. Has options to change the amount of XP and hunger to retain. Economy integrated.
- Auth
Provides an extra layer of player identity protection as well as providing VIP slots.
- Backups
Creates backups of the dimensions. Target can be configured, when it must run and how long to retain backups as well.
- Chat
Provides customized chat colors, prefixes, suffixes and quick reply commands.
- Commands
Essentially a bunch of commands useful for every server admin like /fly, /top, /descend and many others. All commands are permission and economy integrated.
- Economy
Provides virtual currency which can be used to buy and sell stuff. Also, command actions can be charged when they’re used by players.
- Kit
Create kits for your players. Define even a starter kit. Time and Economy integrated.
- Majority Sleep
How many percent need to sleep to skip the night in a dimension? You can define that.
- MultiWorld
Powerful custom dimension manager. Create on-the-fly new dimensions compatible with nearly all modded dimension providers and generators.
- Performance Tools
Provides some tools to check the performance of the server.
- Permission Manager
Most advanced permission manager for modded Minecraft. It manages zones/areas, dimensions, groups and single users in any combination. Permissions can be things like breaking, placing, interacting, teleporting and much more. Every items and block has a permission node. Economy integrated. In addition, Wildcard nodes are supported (i.e. fe.command.*)
- Permission Scheduler
The permission scheduler can toggle permissions based on game / server time. It includes a debugger to test permissions.
- PlayerLogger
Records all actions performed by players. It is a powerful tool to check grieving.
- Remote
Let’s you administrate your server remotely using an API.
- Scripting
FE Jscripting is a lightning fast and extremely powerful scripting engine based on JavaScript. It can alter blocks, players and much more. Warning! Very advanced stuff. Sample scripts here!
- Server Vote
Votifier compatible. Let players vote for your server on the many server list websites. Also provides a reward to players for every vote received. Uses the script engine.
- Sign Tools
Enter commands and creates server shops with signs. In addition, you can use Javascript to run actions when a sign is interacted with or edited. This can include creating an inventory menu using the new item menu system.
- Teleport
Manages player to player teleporting. Also provides personal and global warps. Economy integrated.
- Tickets
Let’s player send a ticket with a question, remark or anything else to ops and moderators.
- WorldEdit Integration Tool
Uses the world famous WorldEdit to select and define zones. Forge Essentials client mod highly recommended.
- WorldBorder
Limits the world per dimension with customizable messages and penalties.
For more information, news and updates, please visit our discord, or take a look at the Wiki.