📖 About 📖
Universal Sawmill does one thing and does it well.
The mod adds a new Sawmill crafting station which allows you to craft any wooden items.
The feature is fully integrated within your world with unique Villager Houses and Carpenter villager providing a seamless experience.
Here's a list of all the features
- Sawmill Recipes are compatible with ANY mod, allowing to craft ANY wood-derivate block
- Carpenter Villagers will can work at a Sawmill
- Data driven carpenter trades
- Carpenter comes with 5 unique houses which can spawn in your Villages, handmade to perfectly match the vanilla village style
- Sawmill workstation also features unique Sawing Sounds
- KubeJs integration incase you need to add some extra recipes (you can use datapacks aswell)
- Data driven villager trades (using Moonlight villager trade system)
- No extra wooden block spam. Just the Sawmill
- Compatible with Repurposed Structures
- Are you a modpack maker and dont want dynamic recipes generation? Just turn on save_recipes config to generate all the recipes to JSON so you can add them statically to your pack instead!
🏆 Credits🏆
- Plantkillable for all the textures
- Raspmary for sawing sounds
- Zapsplat.org for the original sawing sounds
- AlleCraft for Loot Tabls
- Artkek for some of the structures
❤️Support Me❤️
Modding is taking a lot of my time, so if you like what I do, and you would like to support me, you can do so here. If you do, you'll receive a custom Globe and or Statue just for you! This also applies if you purchase a server from Akliz using "supplementaries" code.
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Use code "supplementaries" to get 20% off and also support me in the process!

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