Release Date
Use that extra power to protect your base
Silent buttons made of wool.
Charcoal version of the vanilla coal block
Too lazy to move the slow way, then box it
Simple mod to create torches from bones
Instant growth bonemeal.
Explosives, Missiles, and More!!!
No long supported
Performance and logic upgrades for mod AIs
Computer Craft Peripheral support for ICBM-Classic
Simple addition of primitive sheers made of wood
Simple magic item that auto records a teleport location when entering caves or dungeons
Play that funky music
marbles are fun to play with!
custom pack for a server for streaming on twitch channels of QueenOfMissles and LegendaryGeekGaming
Push animals without causing damage
fish + pig = merpig - steerable water mount
Patches night vision decay pulsing
Generate power from snow... magic, I mean science \0/