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MC Dungeons Armors

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Currently Being Developed for Minecraft Version: 1.21.x

Requires Fabric API        Patreon Button    

My modding efforts can be supported on Patreon. I cannot offer much, but I can offer your name to be mentioned here as thanks, a custom Discord role on the Timefall Development Discord and Adventure Pack Discord, and you will have my eternal gratitude! You can access my Patreon here or by using the button above. Also, come check out the Discord Server for my mods if you have questions or need help.


Have you ever wanted to have the armors from Minecraft Dungeons in your Minecraft world? Well, now that's possible! MC Dungeons Armors [MCDA] aims to (eventually) bring all of these armors, and more, from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft.


Would you like weapons as well? Well, check out MC Dungeons Weapons!
How about artifacts? I have you covered there too: MC Dungeons Artifacts
Do you like the enchanting style of Dungeons? Check out MC Dungeons Enchanting


Want to play with on a server with friends? How about considering a server from BisectHosting? They're already set up and ready to go!

WIP Warning

This mod is a work in progress.  As such, aspects may feel unbalanced. If you have any feedback, please send it to me as having more insight will help me make a better mod! :)


Thank You!

Thank you, so much, for over

10,000 (01/05/2021)
20,000 (01/26/2021)
30,000 (02/12/2021)
40,000 (02/21/2021)
50,000 (03/01/2021)
60,000 (03/12/2021)
70,000 (03/22/2021)
80,000 (04/05/2021)
90,000 (04/15/2021)
100,000 (04/24/2021)
150,000 (06/17/2021)
200,000 (07/29/2021)
250,000 (09/04/2021)
300,000 (09/27/2021)
350,000 (10/10/2021)
400,000 (11/01/2021)
450,000 (11/20/2021)
500,000 (12/07/2021)
550,000 (12/18/2021)
600,000 (12/25/2021)
650,000 (01/03/2022)
700,000 (01/12/2022)
750,000 (01/21/2022)
800,000 (01/31/2022)
850,000 (02/09/2022)
900,000 (02/19/2022)
950,000 (02/28/2022)
1,000,000 (03/09/2022)
1,500,000 (05/22/2022)
2,000,000 (07/30/2022)
2,500,000 (08/30/2022)
3,500,000 (01/25/2023)
4,000,000 (03/25/2023)
5,000,000 (07/03/2023)
6,000,000 (11/03/2023)
7,000,000 (03/09/2024)
8,000,000 (05/27/2024)
9,000,000 (07/16/2024)

10,000,000 (10/28/2024)
downloads! I cannot believe that we've reached this many downloads! I am so happy that you all are enjoying it! :)



Armours added arranged on armourstands

Right now, there are 74 new armor sets to the game ranging from the Evocation Robes to mysterious Curious Armor. Most of the non-unique versions have crafting recipes and they show up in REI, which isn't required, but is HIGHLY recommended. Information on how to obtain the armor sets and what they do can be found in the wiki.



Version 3.0.1 -- Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.3

-- Bug Fixes --
  - Fix discrepancy in chance of Mystery Gemstone drop chance

Version 3.0.0 -- Changes, Updates and Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.3

-- Changes --
  - Updated to 1.19.3; Not backwards compatible with <=1.19.2

-- Updates --
  - Added API Consistency across MCDX

-- Bug Fixes --
  - Changed the min y value when teleporting to prevent the player from getting teleported vertically at an unreasonable distance
  - Fixed armours not being able to be repaired when using MCDA ingredients
  - Made item creation explicit
  - Prevented potential crash when disabling Splendid Armour
  - Corrected Nomenclature for Mixing names

Version 2.4.4 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

-- Bug Fixes --
  - Fix discrepancy in chance of Mystery Gemstone drop chance

Version 2.4.3 -- Changes, Updates and Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

-- Changes --
  - Backported nomenclature and organisational changes from 1.19.3

-- Updates --
  - Added API Consistency across MCDX

-- Bug Fixes --
  - Changed the min y value when teleporting to prevent the player from getting teleported vertically at an unreasonable distance
  - Fixed armours not being able to be repaired when using MCDA ingredients
  - Made item creation explicit
  - Prevented potential crash when disabling Splendid Armour
  - Corrected Nomenclature for Mixing names

Version 2.4.2 -- Crash Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

-- Bug Fix --
  - Fixed crash when viewing armor in 3D space

Version 2.4.1 -- Nomenclature Fix 😅

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

-- Tweaks --
  - Fixed Nomenclature issues for potential stacktrace clarity in Mixins

Version 2.4.0 -- Mod Support, Tweaks, Bug Fixes and Technical Changes

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

-- New Mod Support --
  - Added support for Water Based Origins with Water Breathing Armour Set Effect

-- Tweaks --
  - Corrected Nomenclature of the Beehive Amour
  - Corrected Recipe Errors
  - Added support for enabling / disabling armour sets

-- Bug Fixes --
  - Corrected Nomenclature of the Beehive Amour
  - Corrected Recipe Errors
  - Fixed Reckless to appropriately reduce health when applied
  - Corrected inaccurate licence declaration in fabric.mod.json file
  - Fixed potential server crash with myLoot related to Mystery Armours

-- Lang Changes --
  - Updated Korean Translation

What happened to 2.3.x? That is an amazing question.

Version 2.2.0 -- Mod Support, Tweaks, Bug Fixes and Technical Changes

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

-- New Mod Support --
  - Added support for EnvironmentZ
  - Added support for Clumps. Thanks, Jared!

-- Tweaks --
  - Buffed Reinforced Mail Leggings by 1 point of protection
  - Buffed Mercenary Armor Chestplate and Leggings by 1 point of protection
  - For these new stats to take effect, you will need to delete your mcda_armor_stats.json5 and let it regenerate

-- Bug Fixes --
  - Removed mixin warning on server. Thanks, Treetrain1!
  - Rewrote loot tables, they now work as intended
  - Added safeguard against unnecessary payments with Gilded Glory

-- Technical Changes --
  - Rewrote drop config -- Configs will be overwritten, they may need to be deleted and allowed to regenerate

Version 2.1.1 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19

Fixed deletion bug with Gilded Glory

Version 2.1.0 -- Update to 1.19, Tooltip Colours and Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.19

Corrected issue with Frost Crystal dropping when using Silk Touch
Added Tooltip Colours
Completed Chinese Translation for Set Effect Tooltips
Version Bump

Version 2.0.7 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Fixed deletion bug with Gilded Glory

Version 2.0.6 -- Bug Fixes, Minor Enhancement

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Fixed Tooltip Issue
Reduce actions performed on tick
Fire Focus and Poison Focus now work as intended
Fixed NPE Avoidance Convention

Version 2.0.5 -- Bug Fixes, Fire Trail Enhancement

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Added Fire Trail toggle

Updated Langs

Fixed Bug Causing Damage Events to not Fire with a bow

Adjusted trigger times and handling

Some effects are now usable by all Living Entities

Version 2.0.4 -- Resolved Locale Issue, Crash Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Resolved Locale issue, especially for Turkish players

Crash Fix related to Bees

Version 2.0.3 -- Version Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Updated to 1.18.2
Fixed Freezing Status Effect for 1.18.2
Removed some duplicate code

Version 2.0.2 -- Config Update & Asset Optimisation

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Optimised assets, thanks to K0RR
Fixed Configs and broke them out into multiple files

Version 2.0.1 -- Bug Fixes & Cleanup

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

**WARNING -- The Config is a Mess, You've Been Warned; This Will Be Fixed In The Next Update**
Started laying foundation for Configurable LootTables
Changed Unstable Robes default to Controlled Teleport
Fixed Server Crash from Chilling Enchantment
Added Ghost Kindler Trail to White and Red Mystery Armours
Corrected inversion in Potion Barrier


Version 2.0.0 -- Effects & Cleanup Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

New Effects
Added Mystery Armor Effects
Added Renegades Rush Effect
Added Curious Teleportation Effect
Added Ghost Kindling Effect
Added Sylvan Presence Effect
Added Stalwart Bulwark Effect
Added Buzzy Hive Effect
Added Archers Prowess Effect
Added Ember Jump Effect
Added Splendid AoE Effect
Added Rugged Climbing Gear Effect
Added Gilded Glory Totem Effect
Added Gilded Glory Damage Effect
Added Sweet Berry Walking Fox Effect
Added Sweet Berry Speed Arctic Fox Effect
Added Ghost Kindler Trail Effect
Added Fox Pounce Effect
Added Foxs High Ground Effect
Added Souldancer Grace Effect
Added Souldancer Experience Effect
Added Gilded Glory Ability to use Emeralds for HOTV

New Enchantment
Added Lucky Explorer Enchantment
Item Changes / New Items
Added Sweet Tooth Armor
Added Vanguard Armor
Added Gemstones as Items
Added Vanguard armor to loot tables
Added Recipe for Vanguard and Sweet Tooth armors
Added Armor tags for Vanguard and Sweet Tooth armors
Added Mystery Armor Recipes

Bug Fix
Chilling no longer applies if damage is 0
Fire Focus and Poison Focus now calculate damage correctly
Troubadours armor no longer has conflict with RPGStats
Troubadours now uses a ModifyVariable instead of Redirect
Troubadours now works with all status effects (not just from potions)
General Updates
Updated English and Chinese Langs
Added Mystery Effects Config option
Cleaned up armor detection
Lots of general cleanup
Updated Fabric and Yarn
Changed Piglin Trading to remove armors and add gemstones
Added Toughness to Heavy Plate armors that were missing them
Added Dodge sound effect for Souldancer
Added additional armor checks to api
Certain Enchantments now only accept feet
Created Ability Helpers for Fox Pounce
Created Helper Methods for managing durability of armor
Added consequence for spamming spammable abilities
Added groundwork for Fire Trail Toggle
Loot Rate for Mob drops now use Binomial Distribution
Added config independency for varying drops from mobs
Changed Trade Amounts for Wandering Trader
Added sound effect for Souldancer and Bag of Souls xp boost

Version 1.9.0 -- Big Update

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Cleaned up Death Barter code
Fixed lang issues with possessives for some armours
Fixed lang issue with Troubadour Pants and Pads being flipped in en_us.json
Fixed Leader of the Pack code to properly handling damage
Added Hunger Pains effect to Hungry Horror Armour, which gives gradually increasing strength being offset by starving sooner
Hungry Horror now gives Hunger II, rather than Hunger I
Attempted to increase the droprate of Phantom Skins
Added recipes for Phantom Bones and Skeleton Skulls to bone meal
Added missing Fabric Tags for Guard Armour and Scale Mail
Snow Boots can now walk on Powdered Snow
Added Recipe for Dark Armour, Royal Guard Armour, and Gilded Glory

Version 1.8.6 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Fixed a bug with potions not working when not wearing the Troubadour's Set

Version 1.8.5 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Fixed a crash related to Gourdian's Hatred

Version 1.8.4 -- Bug Fix, Tweak, and New Armour Effect

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Fixed bug with Bag of Souls to allow it to properly stack
Added a basic form of what will become Troubadour's Charisma (Double length of positive potions, halve length of negative potions)
Limited Controlled Teleportation to the Unstable Robes as per suggestion from Beta Testers

Version 1.8.3 -- Bug Fixes and Dependency Updates

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18.1
- 1.18

Addressed issue with Sturdy Shulker Armour not removing levitation effect
Addressed some of the issues with controlled teleportation with the Teleportation and Unstable Robes
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.12.12
Updated Fabric Version to 0.44.0+1.18
Updated Cloth Config API to 6.1.48

Version 1.8.2 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18

Forgot to remove AccessWidener

Version 1.8.1 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:
- 1.18

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed Class Cast Exception with Gourdian's Hatred

Version 1.8.0 -- Spooky Update 2021 & Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Added Gourdian Armour
Added Cauldron Armour
Added Gourdian's Hatred Effect
Added Cauldron's Overflow Effect
Added Web Walker Effect
Updated Langs
Fixed Bug with Golden Piglin Armour confusing Piglins
Updated Fabric Tags

Version 1.7.15 -- Fixed Bug With Sturdy Shulker Armour

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed Levitation Removal for Sturdy Shulker Armour

Version 1.7.14 -- Fixed Enchantment Bug

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed Reckless and Cowardice being able to be enchanted on the same piece of gear

Version 1.7.13 -- Fixed Crash with LevelZ

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed crash with LevelZ whilst equipping armour

Version 1.7.12 -- Config Changes and Drops Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Rewrote drop code
Cleaned up config a bit
Added Config setting to control max amount of drops
Adjusted weights to make drops more obtainable but still challenging

Version 1.7.11 -- Enchantment Descriptions and Optimisations

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Added Enchantment Descriptions, Added Optimisations for Enchantment and Armour Effects

Version 1.7.10 -- Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed a bug with Teleportation and Unstable Robes

Version 1.7.9 -- Echoing Void Update, New Armour Set Abilities, New Status Effect, and Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Added Entertainer's Garb
Added The Troubadour
Added Teleportation Robes
Added Unstable Robes
Added Shulker Armour
Added Sturdy Shulker Armour
Updated en_us.json and zh_cn.json lang files
Added Shulker Bullet ability to Sturdy Shulker Armour
Added Levitation Immunity to Sturdy Shulker Armour
Added proper Invisibility to Thief Armour
Cleaned up imports in AbilityHelper
Added Upgrade Core - Void
Added Teleportation ability for Teleportation Robes
Added Explosive Teleportation ability for Unstable Robes
Added Recipes for Echo of the Void Armours
Added Stronghold Loottable for Teleportation Robes and Unstable Robes
Added the Entertainer's Garb to the Wandering Trader's trade list
Added slow falling effect to Phantom and Frost Bite Armours (Arcanecorgi's idea)
Frost Bite Armour ability, cause freezing damage (Kuma's idea)
New Freezing Status Effect
New freezing.png (by Sattes)
Renamed ServerPlayerEntityMixin#tick to ServerPlayerEntityMixin#onArmorsAbilitiesTic
Fixed pelt sizes to be more consistent with the size of leather (Kuma's idea)

Version 1.7.6 -- New Armour Set Effect, Drop Rate Tweaks, Armour Value Tweak

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Added Leader of the Pack Effect set bonus for Black Wolf Armour Set
Attempted to fix drop rates for pelts
Lowered Wolf Chestplate to match tier

Version 1.7.5 -- New Armour Set Effect and New Enchantments

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Added Titan Shroud Armour Set Bonus (Random negative status effect to target whilst wearing full set of armour)
Added Fire Focus Enchantment
Added Poison Focus Enchantment

Version 1.7.2 -- Crash Fix (For Real This Time)

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed a crash related to Death Barter and dying without Death Barter Enchantment...🤦‍♂️ oof

Version 1.7.1 -- Crash Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Fixed a crash related to Death Barter and dying without emeralds...🤦‍♂️

Version 1.7.0 -- New Enchantment and Crash Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17.1
- 1.17

Added Death Barter Enchantment
Fixed a crash related to items dropping on powdered snow

Version 1.6.4 -- Recipe Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17

Fixed Soul Hood and Soul Leggings recipes

Version 1.6.3 -- Several Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17

Fixed Cowardice being too powerful
Changed Deflect to actually bounce arrow away from victim
Removed Cloth Config API as embedded dependency to keep in lines with license

Version 1.6.2 -- Pillager Armour Spawn Rate Bump

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17

Increased the spawnrate of Pillager Armours (Dark, Thief, and Royal Armours)

Version 1.6.1 -- 1.17 Update and Goat Armour!

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.17

Updated to 1.17
MCDA now uses Cloth Config API
Added Goat Armour
Added Goat Pelt

Version 1.5.0 -- Hidden Depths Content Update and Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added content from Hidden Depths:
     - Squid Armour
     - Glow Squid Armour (Underwater Breathing Effect)
     - Turtle Armour
     - Nimble Turtle Armour (Resistance and Healing on Damage)
     - Upgrade Core -- Oceanic
Fixed a crash related to Heal Allies Enchantment

Version 1.4.5 -- Simplified Chinese Translation Update

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added Simplified Chinese Translation by Hashtag233

Version 1.4.4 --  Derp Fix...

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Fixed error that caused crash on startup

Version 1.4.3 --  Partial Enchantment Fix and Compat for VillagerFix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Partially fixed issue with enchantments not being able to be gotten via the enchanting table
Added compatibility for VillagerFix
Changed price of Champion Armour from Armourer

Version 1.4.2 --  LootTable Tweaks

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added Illager items to Mansion LootTables

Version 1.4.1 --  More Config Options

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added Config Options for enabling and disabling Armour Effects

Version 1.4.0 --  Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Fixed crash related to disabling Heal Allies and Arrows

Version 1.3.9 --  Added Missing Recipe

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added recipe for Soul Robes

Version 1.3.8 --  Tags and Cosmetic Armor Compatibility

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added Tags to support compatibility with other mods, especially Cosmetic Armor

Version 1.3.7 --  New Enchant

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added Reckless Enchant

Version 1.3.6 --  Enchant Tweak

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Bag of Souls Enchantment now stacks

Version 1.3.5 --  New Enchants, Enchant Tweaks, and Lang Tweaks

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3

Added Bag of Souls Enchantment
Made Fire Trail Enchantment disable whilst sneaking
Added Swiftfooted Enchantment
Corrected some armour part names to more accurately reflect what the armour piece looks like on the model

Version 1.3.4 --  Enchantment Tweaks and Config Addition

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Burning and Fire Trail are no longer compatible with Chilling
Chilling level now affects the duration of the effect, as well as the amplifier
Added Config Options for durability

Version 1.3.3 --  Enchantment Tweak

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Burning is now stackable by having on multiple armour pieces

Version 1.3.2 --  Repair Ingredients, Trading, New Armour Features, and Some Corrections

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added recipe appropriate repair ingredients to each armour set
Added trading option to Armourer for Champion Armour
Corrected Hero's Armour recipes
Added Arctic Fox and Renegade Armours stats
Added Beehive Armour and Shadow Walker Armour stat boosts
Added Fall Negation for Shadow Walker Armour

Version 1.3.1 --  Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed recipe for Hero's armour which was flipped.

Version 1.3.0 --  Flames of the Nether Content, New Armours, New Armour Effects, and Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added Piglin and Golden Piglin Armours (and recipes)
Added Piglin Protection to Golden Piglin Armour (Brutes will still attack)
Added Sprout and Living Vine Armours (and recipes)
Added Fireproof to Sprout and Living Armours
Added Royal Guard Armour (added to loottables)
Added Upgrade Path to Titan's Shroud Armour
Attempted Bug Fix for NPE related to Heal Allies Enchantment
Fixed Lang File Mistakes related to Armour Descriptions

Version 1.2.4 --  New Enchantment and New Armour Features IV

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added Hero of the Village to the Gilded Glory
Added Hunger to Hungry Horror Armour
Added Sprinting Speed to Shadow Walker Armour
Added Fire Trail Enchantment

Version 1.2.4 --  Bug Fix and New Armour Features III

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed crash related to dispensers and arrows
Added Fluid Freezing effect to Frost Armour

Version 1.2.3 --  Bug Fix and New Armour Features II

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed bug where HealAllies always triggered upon damage to the player
Added WitherEffect to full set of Wither Armour
Added HasteEffect to full set of Cave Crawler Armour when below a certain Y level

Version 1.2.2 --  Modified LootTables, new Enchant, new Armour Features

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added Gilded Glory to Armourer's Hero of the Village Gift LootTable
Added Heal Allies Enchantment
Added functionality for players wearing a full set of Spider Armour to be able to climb walls like a spider
Added functionality for players wearing a full set of Thief Armour to be able to go invisible whilst sneaking

Version 1.2.1 --  MAJOR Rework Continued, Bug Fixes, and new Configs 

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


More refactoring and better configs

Version 1.2.0 --  MAJOR Rework and Bug Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


MAJOR rework thanks to Fourmisain. Untold number of bug fixes and deflect is back :)

Version 1.1.2 --  Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed ClassCastException whenever a non-PlayerEntity drinks a potion thanks for Fourmisain

Version 1.1.1 --  Bug Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed a crash related to other items than potions being finished using. Mostly piglins using their crossbows...

Version 1.1.0 --  Bug Fix and More Enchantments

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed Mcda to work on 1.16.3 and 1.16.4

Added the following enchantments:

- Cowardice
- Deflect
- Food Reserves
- Frenzied
- Surprise Gift

Version 1.0.0 -- First Release Version, Config Updates

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5


First release version
Toughness and Knockback Resistance are now controllable via configs 

Version 0.9.4 -- Bug Fixes and First Set of Enchantments

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed some flipped armour set stats

Added Burning, Chilling, and Snowball Enchantments

 Version 0.9.3 -- More Armours and Items

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.5
- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added Climbing and Rugged Climbing Gear

Added Emerald Armours

Added Arctic Fox Pelt

Added a lot of recipes for various armours

Version 0.9.2 -- Beehive Armour Recipe Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed beehive armour recipe

Version 0.9.1 -- Black Wolf Armour

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added Wolf Core and recipes for Black Wolf Armour, fixed Black Wolf Armour Tooltip

Version 0.9.0 -- Cores Update and a Recipe Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Implemented update cores to allow for the crafting of unique armour sets using the smithing table

Fixed Beenest boots recipe

Version 0.8.5 -- Some Fixes and Recipe Changes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed shears and scales conflict
Changed some recipes to better balance out the armour sets as per some suggestions

Version 0.8.0 -- Your Way II and Some Fixes

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added config files for armor stat boost values as well as some fixes

Version 0.7.7 -- Your Way I

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added config files for armor values

Version 0.7.6 -- Bee Armours fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed Bee Armours Flip, added a bunch of upgrade recipes
Fixed the fact that the Beenest and Beehive armours were flipped in terms of stats
added a bunch of upgrade recipes (not available in release, yet)
did some cleanup and fixing of broken recipes

Version 0.7.3 -- Scales and More Facepalms

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added the crafting recipe for Iron Scales
even more facepalms 

Version 0.7.2 -- Plates and Facepalms

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Added the crafting recipe for Iron Plates

Version 0.7.1 -- Wolf Leggings Fix

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Fixed crafting recipe for Wolf Leggings which was resulting in Wolf Boots


Version 0.7.0 -- Initial Beta Release

Now available for the following versions:

- 1.16.4
- 1.16.3


Initial release with armours

I am currently working on some companion mods that would bring the weapons and artefacts from Dungeons to the game as well.




The continuing improvement to the visuals of this mod would not be possible without SeaOfPixels. He's joined on as Artist and more and we've been working together to balance out some of the issues with MCDA as well. SeaOfPixels has allowed for his amazing models and textures from his resource pack New Default+ to be used in MCDA. Please show him some support and check it out! If you like CIT texture packs, I'm sure that you'll have a blast! The awesome Mod Icon for MCDA was also made by SeaOfPixels.


Sattes made the amazing drop art for the various mobs as well as the crafting art. Check him out at his Patreon or check out the Adventure Pack! We'd love to see you over there! :)


Fourmisain has been amazing in helping me fix an untold number of errors in my code and being responsible for the major rework for 1.2.0. I have learnt a great deal from them and am greatly indebted to their kindness.


Would you like to have MC Dungeon Armors translated into your language? Please submit your translation on the GitHub page and I'd be glad to add it!


Currently Available

English - US -- Chronosacaria
Simplified Chinese - 中文 -- Hashtag233
Korean - 한국어 - gyular



Without my patrons, I would not be able to devote as much time as I do to making these mods.

Special thanks to

Deona (Custom)
7z99 (Claymore)
EmmyAllEars (Claymore)
.purejosh (Sword)



Q: Can I use your mod in my modpack?
A: Absolutely! I only ask that you provide a link back to this page.


Q: I've seen your mod on other sites. Did you post it and are they safe?
A: I have not, nor do I plan to, post my mod on any other sites than Curseforge or my GitHub page. If you have downloaded my mod from somewhere else, 1. It isn't from me and 2. It may have some kind of malicious files or have been modified in some way. I urge you to delete the file, run a full virus and malware scan and, if you want to use MC Dungeons Armors, come and download it on CurseForge or from GitHub.


Q: Will you backport any features?
A: No, but in the case of a game breaking bug, we may port a fix to older versions.


Q. Forge?


When using MCDX on Forge, it is important to make sure that you have the following mods:
So, anything marked with a 🟢 is required. Anything marked with a 🟡 is optional

🟢Sinytra Connector:

🟢Connector Extras:
🟢Forgified Fabric API (in place of the Fabric API):

🟢Cloth Config API (Forge Version*):
If you are using a version of the Sinytra Connector before 40, use the Fabric version

🟡Clumps (Fabric Version), if you're using Clumps:

Other Mods

Golden Steak - Adds Golden Steaks and Enchanted Golden Steaks
MC Dungeons Weapons - Brings the weapons from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Dungeons Artifacts - Brings the artifacts from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Dungeons Enchanting - Brings the enchanting methods from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Story Mode Armors - Brings the armor sets from Minecraft Story Mode to Minecraft
Simply Swords - Adds Spears, Glaives, Chakrams, Katanas, Greathammer/axes, Rapiers, and many more weapons!
Simply Skills - A comprehensive skill tree mod for Fabric
Save Gear on Death - A middle ground between Keep Inventory On and Off
Headshot [Forge] - Allows players and some mobs to be headshot
Mob Summoning - Summon Mobs to fight alongside you
Diamond Shards - Break Diamonds into nine Shards. Great for Diamond Based Economies
Loot Config - Gain full customization over the loot tables of Minecraft
Interchangable - Minecraft mod for interchangeable inputs in recipes based on config



Timefall SMP Pack - The Official Modpack for the Timefall Development SMP