Modpack is continuation of my previous pack Life in the village 2 but for newer versions of Minecraft. (Minecraft 1.18+)
This pack is based around town-building mod - Minecolonies and it can be casual or challenging as you want it to be. Build your own thriving town, impregnable fortress, nordic settlement or even small fishing village. Don't want to bother with enemies and farm peacefully? We got it covered too! On other hand it's so called Vanilla+ modpack that will enhance your 'close-to-vanilla' gameplay and add some new features(like new NPCs that will work for you, new terrain features, biomes, mineshafts, decorations(see features list for details)) to explore and interact with, so you wont be overwhelmed with a lot of new and unusual stuff.
Minecolonies will allow you to create your own colony where citizens will obey your will. Mainly, they will build, gather resources, upgrade their buildings and all of that under your control. You will plan and command their moves.
๐๏ธ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions)
- Create your own colony with Minecolonies mod. Manage many NPC workers, ranging from Builders, Crafters and Farmers, to Guards, Enchanters, and Alchemists. Build university to advance even further. The mod provides the ability to create a unique Colony with many many inhabitants and a lot of building styles. With very simple planning tool you can preview and plan every building, roads and decorations before your citizens will build i;
- carry more with sophisticated backpacks;
- creatures eat and regrow plants. Villagers improve their villages;
- new villager jobs, with unique trades, workstations, and advancements;
- 10 jobs with each unique feature;
- manage your storage with drawers, racks and advanced chests, barrels and shulker boxes with increased inventory;.
๐งฑ Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows and additions)
- Use new building materials to unleash your creative powers;
- decorate your buildings with new furniture, lights, windows, roofs, paintings;
- coverable blocks (namely frames and illusion blocks), that take on the texture of the block they contain.
- new look of old blocks with Chisel mod
๐ญ Technology (immersive machines for basic resource processing, farming)
- An in-depth tech tree, allowing for extensive gameplay and sprawling factories;
- unique, immersive and aesthetic mechanisms and gadgets provided by Create mod;
- modular tools and weapons with Tetra mod;
- additional bees and advanced beehives allowing you to put your bees to work creating resources;
- over 250 new foods, 58 crops and 26 trees;
- ores that grow on Berry Bushes;
- simple yet immersive cooking system with Farmer's Delight;
- automate your storage with simple storage network
๐บ๏ธ Exploration (roleplay, new structures, biomes, dungeons)
- Quests that will show you some aspects of the game and will be your guide;
- 256-tall nether with 3D biomes, mountains and more!
- enhanced dungeons and structures;
- new human companions that can help you on your journey
- new overhauled biomes to explore;
- Get a pet or a mighty helper with Doggy talents mod. Dog leveling system with 19 unique talents and new AI.
- Increased mobs variety: deers, bears, crabs, whales, badgers, goats and much more;
- Underground and flying villages
Need a server to play with friends? Don't know how to setup one? Just rent already configured server - install and update my modpacks(and dozens of others!) in one click! By renting a server for yourself you're supporting the development!
DM me here or in discord (dreams#0285) with your LITV3 Letsplay to be advetised here.
by Elder Sign:
by SweetAshGamer:
- Advancement Plaques(Grend_G)
- Akashic Tome(Vazkii)
- Alex's Delight(NCP_Bails)
- Alex's Mobs(sbom_xela)
- Amplified Nether(Starmute)
- AppleSkin(squeek502)
- AutoRegLib(Vazkii)
- Better Azalea(SameDifferent)
- Better Advancements(way2muchnoise)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FORGE](BisectHosting)
- BlockCarpentry(PianoManu)
- BlockUI(H3lay)
- Bookshelf(DarkhaxDev)
- Builders Crafts & Additions (Forge)(MRHminer)
- Builder's Delight (Forge)(Tynoxs)
- Caelus API (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Catalogue(MrCrayfish)
- Cherished Worlds (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Citadel(sbom_xela)
- Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric](someaddon)
- Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge)(shedaniel)
- Comforts (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Configured(MrCrayfish)
- Construction Wand(ThetaDev)
- Controlling(Jaredlll08)
- Cooking for Blockheads(BlayTheNinth)
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked(LainMI)
- Croptopia(thethonk)
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village(ChoiceTheorem)
- Cucumber Library(BlakeBr0)
- Charm of Undying (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Curios API (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Elytra Slot (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Curious Shulker Boxes (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Dark Paintings(DarkhaxDev)
- Detail Armor Bar [Forge](๋นจ๊ฐ๋ผ)
- Ding(ohaiiChun)
- Doggy Talents(percivalalb)
- Domum Ornamentum(OrionOnline)
- Drawers Tooltip(Snownee_)
- Edibles (Forge)(Serilum)
- Effective (Forge)(BottomTextDanny)
- Ellemes' Container Library(3llemes)
- Enchantment Descriptions(DarkhaxDev)
- Enhanced Celestials - Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons(Corgi_Taco)
- Enlightened End(MuffinsQw)
- Extended Lights(Polyvalord)
- Farmer's Delight(vectorwing)
- FastFurnace(Shadows_of_Fire)
- Fast Leaf Decay(olafskiii)
- FastSuite(Shadows_of_Fire)
- FastWorkbench(Shadows_of_Fire)
- Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone(telepathicgrunt)
- FerriteCore (Forge)(malte0811)
- Floor Mats(D0CTORZED)
- Forgiving Void(BlayTheNinth)
- FTB Chunks (Forge)(FTB)
- FTB Quests (Forge)(FTB)
- FTB Teams (Forge)(FTB)
- FTB Ultimine (Forge)(FTB)
- Guard Villagers(almightytallestred)
- Healing Campfire (Forge)(Serilum)
- Item Highlighter(Grend_G)
- Human Companions(jus10wontons)
- Iceberg(Grend_G)
- Inventory Sorter(cpw)
- Item Borders(Grend_G)
- ItemPhysic Lite(CreativeMD)
- Just Enough Items (JEI)(mezz)
- Jobs+(DAQEM)
- Kelp Fertilizer (Forge)(Serilum)
- Kotlin for Forge(thedarkcolour)
- Legendary Tooltips(Grend_G)
- Login Protection[Forge/Fabric](someaddon)
- Magical Forest(DenisMasterHerobrine)
- Mantle(mDiyo)
- Macaw's Bridges(sketch_macaw)
- Macaw's Paintings(sketch_macaw)
- Macaw's Roofs(sketch_macaw)
- Macaw's Windows(sketch_macaw)
- More Overlays Updated(RiDGo8)
- More Villagers(SameDifferent)
- Mouse Tweaks(YaLTeR)
- Nature's Compass(Chaosyr)
- Nether's Delight(lumpazl)
- Nomadic Tents(skyjay1)
- OAuth(Sintinium)
- Oculus(Asek3)
- Ok Zoomer Forge(matyrobbrt)
- Oreberries Replanted(Mrbysco)
- Patchouli(Vazkii)
- Polymorph (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
- Puzzles Lib(Fuzs_)
- Quark(Vazkii)
- Randomite Classic(ModdingLegacy)
- Regrowth(MacTso)
- Repurposed Structures (Forge)(telepathicgrunt)
- Sapience(the_infamous_1)
- Moonlight Lib(MehVahdJukaar)
- Shutup Experimental Settings!(Corgi_Taco)
- Spice of Life: Carrot Edition(lordcazsius)
- Starter Kit (Forge)(Serilum)
- Storage Drawers(Texelsaur)
- Storage Racks(H3lay)
- Structure Gel API(ModdingLegacy)
- Structurize(H3lay)
- Stylish Effects(Fuzs_)
- Tax' Ocean Villager(Taknax)
- Tinkers Construct(mDiyo)
- TerraBlender (Forge)(TheAdubbz)
- This Rocks! (Forge)(Mrbysco)
- ToroHealth Damage Indicators(ToroCraft)
- TrashSlot(BlayTheNinth)
- Underground Villages(Mrbysco)
- Upgraded Core(Rolfmao25)
- Upgraded Netherite(Rolfmao25)
- Uppers(vadis365)
- Useful Hats(thecech12)
- Villager Names (Forge)(Serilum)
- Village Artifacts(Lothrazar)
- Village Spawn Point (Forge)(Serilum)
- V-Tweaks(oitsjustjose)
- Water Strainer(Ruuubi)
- Waystones(BlayTheNinth)
- YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Flywheel(jozufozu)
- Supplementaries(MehVahdJukaar)
- Tool Leveling+(Buecher_wurm)
- CMDCam(CreativeMD)
- CreativeCore(CreativeMD)
- Finally Farmable Dyes(Unixkitty)
- Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU) [FORGE](Corgi_Taco)
- MineColonies(H3lay)
- Towns and Towers - Structure Add-on(Biban_Auriu)
- Adaptive Performance Tweaks (Bundle)(Kaworru)
- Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Core(Kaworru)
- Aquaculture 2(Shadowclaimer)
- Balm (Forge Edition)(BlayTheNinth)
- Biome Makeover (Forge)(Lemonszz)
- Buddycards(wildcard_gamer)
- Clumps(Jaredlll08)
- Collective (Forge)(Serilum)
- Create(simibubi)
- Create Stuff Additions(Furti_Two)
- Daily Rewards(Kaworru)
- Darker Depths(naterbobber)
- Dungeons Enhanced(Valarauko9)
- FancyMenu [Forge](Keksuccino)
- Fastload(overloadedwithmods)
- FTB Library (Forge)(FTB)
- Konkrete [Forge](Keksuccino)
- Integrated Dungeons and Structures(CraisinLord)
- Item Filters(LatvianModder)
- Jade ๐(Snownee_)
- Jade Addons (Forge)(Snownee_)
- KubeJS(LatvianModder)
- Macaw's Fences and Walls(sketch_macaw)
- Multi-Piston(H3lay)
- Placebo(Shadows_of_Fire)
- Productive Bees(LobsterJonn)
- Quests Additions (Forge)(NaturaSpell)
- Rhino(LatvianModder)
- Rubidium(Asek3)
- Simple Storage Network(Lothrazar)
- Sophisticated Backpacks(P3pp3rF1y)
- Sophisticated Core(P3pp3rF1y)
- Sophisticated Storage(P3pp3rF1y)
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib(SuperMartijn642)
- Corail Tombstone(Corail_31)
- Xaero's Minimap(xaero96)
- Xaero's World Map(xaero96)
- Architectury API (Fabric/Forge)(shedaniel)