- Mods
- 437,703
First of all, make sure to join my discord server if you want! There you'll find news about almost anything I am doing!
Also thank you Pan for allowing me to port your awesome mod! :) Please go check out the original! Link : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moreplates
Update to 1.18.X and 1.19.X coming soon!
This mod adds Gears, Plates and Rods for the following materials :
- Allthemodium
- Unobtainium-Allthemodium Alloy
- Unobtainium
- Vibranium-Allthemodium Alloy
- Vibranium
- Vibranium-Unobtainium Alloy
- Certus Quartz
- Fluix
- Neptunium
- Attuned Titanium
- Energized Gold
- Mystium
- Pure Gold
Pure Iron
Pure Steel
Pure Titanium
- Blue Alloy
- Purple Alloy
- Red Alloy
- Silicon
- Tungsten Carbide
Botania :
- Elementium
- Gaia Spirit
- Manasteel
- Terrasteel
- Black Iron
- Crystaltine
- Ender Ingot
- Enhanced Ender Ingot
- Redstone Ingot
- The Ultimate Ingot
- Fire Dragonsteel
- Ice Dragonsteel
- Lightning Dragonsteel
- Phantasmal
Mekanism :
- Refined Glowstone
- Refined Obsidian
Minecraft :
- Brick
- Charcoal
- Coal
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Flint
- Glowstone
- Gold
- Iron
- Lapis Lazuli
- Nether Brick
- Nether Quartz
- Netherite
- Paper
- Prismarine
- Redstone
- Wood
Metals :
- Amethyst
- Aluminum
- Bismuth
- Brass
- Bronze
- Chromium
- Constantan
- Copper
- Electrum
- Enderium
- Green Sapphire
- Invar
- Lead
- Lumium
- Nickel
- Osmium
- Platinum
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Signalum
- Silver
- Steel
- Tin
- Titanium
- Tungsten
- Uranium
- Zinc
- Insanium
- Imperium
- Inferium
- Prosperity
- Prudentium
- Soulium
- Supremium
- Tertium
- Compressed Iron
Powah! :
- Energized Steel
- Electrotine Alloy
- Red Alloy
- Silicon
Psi :
- Ebony Psimetal
- Ivory Psimetal
- Psimetal
- Quartz Enriched Iron
- Bismuth
- More stuff to support soon