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Mob Variants

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Requires Fabric API

Requires Cloth Config

Forge: Requires Sinytra Connector


Note: 1.19 versions are outdated. The description below refers to 1.20 and 1.21 versions.


Mob Variants adds stronger variants for hostile mobs.

Cave variants:

When mob spawns, there is a chance that it will be converted into cave variant. The chance is the higher the deeper it spawns.

By default, they appear under 26 Y level.


Detailed description of mobs:

Spider variants:

Spider has a chance to convert to Armored Spider.

Armored Spider has 2 hp more, 12 armor and 0.1 knockback resistance. It also deflects arrows without piercing.


Skeleton variants:

Skeleton has a chance to convert to Undead Warrior.

Undead Warrior has 50% chance to spawn with stone sword and has 2 hp more, 0.2 knockback resistance and walks a bit faster. Additionally, the first (1 - 4) arrows he shots apply one of the following status effects: weakness, blindness, instant damage.


Zombie variants:

Zombie has a chance to convert to Forgotten.

Forgotten has 6 hp more, 2 armor more, walks a bit faster and applies mining fatigue to enemy


Creeper variants:

Creeper has a chance to convert to Cave Creeper.

Cave Creeper quickly explodes when set on fire

Biome variants:

When mob spawns on a specific biome, it has a chance to convert into biome variant


Detailed description of mobs:

Spider variants:

Spider has a chance to convert to Tropical Spider in Jungle

Tropical Spider deals less damage, but poisons enemies


Zombie variants:

Zombie has a chance to convert to Explorer in Jungle

Explorer can climb walls and gets less damage from falling


Zombie has a chance to convert to Frozen Zombie on Snowy Biomes

Frozen Zombie has 4 armor more and applies slowness to enemy


Zombie has a chance to convert to Bloated Corpse on Swamps

Bloated Corpse has 2 hp less. Upon death it leaves poisonous "gas" that causes nausea + poison on hard difficulty. If Bloated Corpse is on fire, it will create fire explosion instead.


Skeleton variants:

Skeleton has a chance to convert to Corsair on Beach or Ocean (not frozen)

Additionally Corsair spawns on shipwrecks and when skeleton is underwater, it will convert to Corsair.

Corsair can swim and wields wooden sword.


Slime variants:

Slime has a chance to convert to Toxic Slime on Mangrove Swamps

Toxic Slime poisons enemies. Smallest Toxic Slimes can still attack.

Nether variants:

Mobs in nether has a chance to convert into stronger variant


Detailed description of mobs:

Ghast variants:

Ghast has a chance to convert to Nightmare

Nightmare has 6 hp more, its fireball is stronger and it shoots many small fireballs when target is close enough.


Wither Skeleton variants:

Wither Skeleton has a chance to convert to Executioner

Executioner walks slower, but has 26 hp more, 0.6 knockback resistance, and spawns with axe and iron helmet


Piglin and Piglin Brute variants:

Piglin has a chance to convert to Infected Piglin

Infected Piglins are immune to fire


Skeleton variants:

Skeleton has a chance to convert to Soul Stealer

Soul Stealer deals additional magic damage, uses melee attacks and walks fast when on soul sand.


Magma Cube variants:

Magma Cube has a chance to convert to Lava Slime

Lava Slime sets enemies on fire and leaves a pool of lava after death.


Zombified Piglin variants:

Zombified Piglin has a chance to convert to Zombified Piglin Brute

Zombified Piglin Brute walks faster, has 22 more hp, deals 1 more damage and wields golden axe.

 Additionally, it gets angry when player gets too close.



You can set chances of converting mob into stronger variant

You can access config via Mod Menu

Config file name: frycmobvariants.json5





  • Thanks to sheslong for making textures