Release Date
Raid Frames providing click-heal functionality, buff and debuff control, main tank management and much more.
Powerful addon to help you make gold from crafting to selling on the auction house to buying vendor items and much more!
The ultimate encounter helper to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to do about it.
Simple and Advanced combined - Bartender4 ActionBar AddOn
Afflictions display and cleaning for solo, group and raid with advanced filtering and priority system.
Tracks the Blood Shield for Death Knights.
Collects Herbs, Mines, Gas Clouds, Archaeology, Treasure and Fishing locations and adds them to the worldmap and minimap
Wowhead Data dump for GatherMate2
Adds an addon manager in game via the 'Addons' menu. Special support for multi-part addons. Based on rMCP by Rophy.
Uses various methods to scan your surroundings for rare or specified NPCs.
Lightweight but powerful auction house interface
Group Calendar 5
Archaeology Assistant
Adds mob patrol paths to your map.
Helps you to find archaeology fragments easily
Save sets of decor and load them up later! You can even export your saved sets and share them with friends.
A small checklist for raid (de)buffs and who brings what.
Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparison