Voodoo Casting Bar (VCB) is an add on that enchants the default casting bar.
You can open the options panel in two ways:
- With the commands: /vcb and /voodoocastingbar.
- Through the minimap buttons that Blizzard gave us. It’s a tiny number at the top-left or bottom-left of the minimap, click it and you will find it.
For the Player’s Cast Bar VCB can:
- Show the Spell Icon on the left or on the right or both sides of the player cast bar!
- Show the Current Cast Time of the spell, alone!
- Show the Current Cast Time and the Total Cast Time together, like 3.45/10.15!
- Make those timers can be ascending or descending!
- Show the Total Cast Time of the spell, alone!
- Show from 0 to 2 Decimals that are displayed in the cast bar text!
- Make the Name of the Spell to be movable!
- Show the Latency of the casting spell as a red bar!
- Show the Ticks of a channeled spell!
- All those features are movable, and you can choose which will be visible!
- Color the player's casting bar! You can choose to color the casting bar according to your Class' Color, or according to the Spell's School!
For the Target’s Cast Bar, Focus' Cast Bar, and the Bosses' Cast Bar VCB can:
- Make those cast bars to be Movable and Scalable!
- Show the Current Cast Time of the spell, alone!
- Show the Current Cast Time and the Total Cast Time together, like 3.45/10.15!
- Make those timers to be Ascending or Descending!
- Show the Total Cast Time of the spell, alone!
- Show from 0 to 2 Decimals that are displayed in the cast bar text!
- Make the Name of the spell to be movable!
- All those features are movable, and you can choose which will be visible!
- Color the cast bar! You can choose to color the cast bar according to the Class's Color!
VCB also can:
- Work with Shadowed Unit Frame a.k.a SUF! Please read the instructions in the options!
- Create Profiles so you can save - load your settings between your characters!
See the images and changes log for more information!
Any feedback, bugs, ideas, or anything else for the addon is welcome! You can post them here as a comment!
Thank you in advance!
May the Good Mojo be with you!