The Unity resource pack follows the traditional Minecraft aesthetics but adds subtle depth and more natural colors. Mods are retextured using the Unity pack for vanilla Minecraft as a base and will have unique design characteristics tied in to stay true to the original. The idea is to keep the author's original vision alive and well... but packaged a little nicer.
It is highly recommended that you use this pack with the base Unity resource pack for vanilla Minecraft: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/unity
Current list of supported mods:
- BluePower
- Building Gadgets
- Iron Chests
Iron Shulker Boxes (temporarily removed)Tombstone (removed)
- Better Crates
- Metal Barrels
- Stone Chests
- Trophy Slots
- Ender Storage
- XP Tome
- Toolbelt
- The One Probe
- Akashic Tome
- OpenBlocks Elevator
- Macaw's Bridges
- Waystones
- Backpacked
- Gravestone
- Storage Drawers
More on the way!