Moonlit Tales
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Explore and build up your town in this beautifully expanded and carefully integrated world. You can expect the following types of content:
- Tech for improved automation from Create, allowing you to create your own huge factories
- Improved combat with Better Combat for much more diverse combat styles
- Many new mobs and ambient creatures from Ecologics and Alex's Mobs with a ton to find
- Teams, claims and maps from FTB Teams and FTB Chunks
- New farmables and things to cook with Farmer's Delight, Delightful and Farmer's Respite
- Tons of structures and overhauled vanilla structures from YUNGNICKYOUNG
- Tons of new biomes from Environmental and Infernal Expansion so you never get tired of exploring
- Additional Vanilla+ content mods like Incubation, Buzzier Bees, Neapolitan, and Berry Good