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MC RPG Experience (MRE)


Minecraft RPG Experience (MRE)

Please note: This mod is still experimental and in development, you will notice bugs and issues.


Hello everyone, this is a mod where vanilla and modded tools can be leveled up to unlock abilities. To level up a tool you need to use the tool the proper way on what it is made for. For example, a pickaxe is used to mine ores and stone. You will level up the tool faster for mining stones and ores rather than grass. This leveling and abilities will be able to be used for all pickaxes for example and the same goes for the rest of the tools. This mod is still in heavy development so expect bugs and issues. Please report if any and we are taking in ideas and suggestions for this mod. 


Discord: (Click Here)


--> Current tools that work and could be leveled up at the moment <--

- Pickaxe


--> Tool Abilities <--


Pickaxe Tool:

- Super Break: (Unlocked at level 5) increases mining speed by 20%.

- Double Ores: (Unlocked at level 10) there is a 15% chance that the ore mined that it will drop twice.

- Blast Mining: (Unlocked at level 15) allows for TNT to be shot in the direction the player is looking.

- Glow Effect: (Unlocked at level 20) adds a glow effect while in the dark where torches are not needed anymore.

- Vein Miner: (Unlocked at level 25) mines a 6x6 area. 


--> Images & Gifs <--



If you notice any bugs or issues please report them on the discord! (Click Here)