Official Disocrd Server: https://discord.gg/u6Buc5EPN5
This mod adds additional barrels to the game that can store more items.
They function like their vanilla counterparts in that they can be opened with a solid block on top and don't cause any fps issues in large numbers, unlike chests.
Copper Barrel:
Iron Barrel:
Silver Barrel:
Gold Barrel:
Diamond Barrel:
Obsidian Barrel:
Netherite Barrel:
Crystal Barrel:
Move Barrel:
- Copper Barrel stores 45 stacks
- Iron Barrel stores 54 stacks
- Silver Barrel stores 72 stacks
- Gold Barrel stores 81 stacks
- Diamond Barrel stores 108 stacks
- Obsidian Barrel stores 108 stacks (Has a blast resistance of 30 thousand making it resistant to most explosions)
- Netherite Barrel stores 135 stacks
- Crystal stores 108 stacks (Note: unlike the other barrels, having a large number of these with items inside will impact fps negatively, I do not recommend using them for large-scale projects)
- Move Barrel Item (This allows you to move a barrel from one location to another. This only works for the owner of the barrel)
- Able to lock a barrel from others being able to open it.
- Whitelist players to be able to open your barrel.
Upgrade Triangle
Bugs / Feature Requests
Please submit any bug reports or feature requests through the Discord server.
Source Code & License
- This mod is Open-Source.
- You can find the source code on GitHub
Using this mod in modpacks
You are allowed to use this mod in any modpacks you would like regardless public or private. But please note that if the compiled mod jars are being modified, any bug reports on my GitHub about a modified jar are not accepted since I've signed my jar using my own key and modifying it will void the warranty. Unless you know what you're doing, be careful.
If you have further details would like to ask me in person, feel free to DM me through one of the methods below!
Contact Me
- Discord - MaxSaleh#0001