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EMI Extra Integrations


Extra Mod Integrations

This mod is an addon for the powerful, new recipe viewer EMI. This addon adds support for viewing the listed mods' recipes in EMI, including in the EMI Recipe Tree. This addon is still under construction and support for more mods is planned!

Supported Mods

Mod Support Notes
Tech Reborn Added in v0.1.0
Advanced Reborn 🔲  
Industrial Revolution Added in v0.1.2
Extra Generators  
Hephaestus 🚧  
Farmers' Delight Added in v0.4.1
Conjuring Added in v0.4.1

✅: Support Completed
🚧: Support In Progress
🔲: Support Planned
⁇: Maybe Support Eventually
❌: Not Supported




This mod is licensed under the CC0 License. This means you can do pretty much whet ever you want with it, including adding it to your modpacks, or using its code or assets in your mod.