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Critter Fights

Critter Fights

This mod simply adds a command, /cfight, which allows you to pit any two creatures together and make them battle! It supports modded entities and vanilla, but not all entities are supported. Basically, if an entity is classified as a "creature" it will work. This does include non traditional creatures like zombies. Some mobs may not fight as you would expect them to, and unfortunately due to the large amount of use cases I am not able to cover them all.

Command Usage (1.12): /cfight <damage> <health> <x> <y> <z> <entity1> (entity2/tag1) (entity2/tag2) (tag2)

Command Usage (1.16+): /cfight [position] <entity1> [tag1] [entity2] [tag2] [health] [damage]

Damage and Health do not apply well to all entities, be warned these are considered suggestions. The slashes mean you can have either. Basically, NBT is optional, just make sure it goes directly after the entity you want it to apply to. You can also specify just one entity and NBT to copy that entity and fight the copy.

On 1.16+, every argument is optional except entity1. Position uses your current by default, entity2 will be entity1's type and tag if not specified. Health and damage will be default or 1 if not specified


There is also /caggro, which does similar things except it spawns a single entity that is aggressive to any entity of the type of the second argument (there is no NBT for the second entity, only the first). Keep in mind this is also to the best of the entity's ability and the entity MUST be a "creature".

Command Usage (1.12): /caggro <damage> <health> <x> <y> <z> <entity1> (entity2/tag1) (entity2)

Command Usage (1.16+): /caggro [position] <entity1> [tag1] [entity2] [health] [damage]

On 1.16+, every argument is optional except entity1. Position uses your current by default, entity2 will be entity1's type if not specified. You can also specify "player" for the second type. Health and damage will be default or 1 if not specified


Where can I get help?

The best place to get help my Discord server. You can also feel free to leave a comment below and I will respond as soon as possible.



To generikb and his community for coming up with the idea and suggesting it to me, as well as supporting its creation! This mod is pretty good for fun Twitch integration events using mods like CCI.

StrikerRocker for the 1.17.1 port.


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