A quick and simple alternative for adding guests to your party
Choose one of the 8 possible characters to join the party as a guest when loading your game.
- Ardyn
- Aranea (*updated* see below)
- Cor
- Iris
- Umbra
- Ravus
- Sarah
- *Ifrit (see below)
Guest Characters Luna & Glaive are too complicated to be implemented in this simple low-impact method of adding guests to the party, and can currently only be added to the party using Rinual's Mod Menu.
Additional files:
Stronger Guest Characters: Increase all stats moderately of all guests
Strongest Guest Characters: Max stats for all guests
Remove Guest Character: Incase you need to forcibly remove a guest
Sarah's mod includes an animation edit to give Sarah a Menu Idle animation.
**Update 02/20/2024 - Changed stronger guest char and added a second option called strongest guest char, allowing all guests to have their stats altered and changing the method to be more streamlined for future mods.
**Update 5/21/2023 - Aranea will now equip her armor when combat starts and unequip it when she leaves the fight.
This mod does not add, or change any of the abilities or functions of the characters, it uses the native functions hidden within the game. Some of them will fight in battle, some of them will not. The characters behave the same as they would with cheat engine / debug.
If a character is ever forced to leave the party, you can save your game, and reload the new save and they will return.
To remove a guest member, use the included Remove Guest Mod
Manually install by double clicking the fmod --- FFXV Exineris Modding Discord *Version 1.5.12+ required Guide for new users
Notes on Ifrit
Ifrit is not designed to be in Lucis, so his addition to the party is less integrated. He will remain invisible till you use Firaga in battle, and after which he will remain in your party for the fight. If Firaga is unavailable, use regroup. If regroup isnt working and Noctis just stands there, Ifrit is probably stuck somewhere and regroup wont help. Try a fight elsewhere and come back. If you are insisting to get more functionality from ifrit
Notes on Guests
Iris retains the most functionality for a guest, and is least likely to cause issues. She will drive in all versions of the Regalia, allows for fishing, and joins in camp and diner animations. Other guests however may have limitations on which of those they can do. Some will prevent you from using those features entirely while they are in your party.
There is one known issue with guests in general in this game. Do not have a guest in your party when sleeping at the hotel at Galdin Quay. It is currently unknown why, but you will be locked into a blackscreen if you do prior to the autosave, which can cause a loss of progress.
Similarly, between dropping off Iris and having her leave your party towards the end of Chapter 6 and the start of chapter 7, having Iris in the party will cause group animations such as eating at a diner to blackscreen the same as above.
- Ardyn
- Aranea(*以下で更新*)
- Cor
- Iris
- Umbra
- Ravus
- Sarah
- *イフリート(以下参照)
強化されたゲストキャラクター: Sarah、Ravus、Cor、AraneaのHP、攻撃力、およびすべてのステータスを増加させます。
ゲストキャラクターの削除: 強制的にゲストを削除する場合に使用します。
**2023年5月21日の更新 - Araneaは戦闘開始時に防具を装備し、戦闘終了時には装備を外すようになりました。
ゲストメンバーを削除するには、同梱のRemove Guest Modを使用してください。
fmodをダブルクリックして手動でインストールしてください。 *バージョン1.4.10以上が必要です。 </strong >新規ユーザー向けガイド
このゲームには、ゲストに関する一般的な問題が1つあります。ガルディンキーのホテルで就寝する際にゲストがパーティにいる場合は注意してください。なぜかは現在わかっていませんが、オートセーブの前にブラックスクリーンにロックされることがあり、進行状況が失われる可能性があります。同様に、Irisをパーティにいれたままの状態で、Chapter 6の終わりとChapter 7の始まりの間に、ダイナーでの食事などのグループアニメーションも同様にブラックスクリーンになることがあります。