This is not an official Tradeskillmaster module, what you see here is based off of the default settings.
TradeSkillMaster_PriceCheck is an addon that leverages TSM auction database to reply to special chat commands to with a price automatically.
Someone sends a command via chat, whispers, or whichever channel you choose. IE:
Someone whispers: ? [Felslate]
To Someone: Market: [48.0g] Min Buyout: [47.40g] Regional [49.79g] Scanned: 10 Mins Ago
You can also check based on a stack/partial stack. IE:
Someone whispers: ? 42[Felslate]
To Someone: Marketx42: [2016.5g] Min Buyoutx42: [1990.80g] Regional [2091.44g] Scanned: 10 Mins Ago
It checks for a ? at the start of a sentence. You can change this in the options. It also checks for ? #, to get the price of a stack/partial stack.
Currently it supports guild chat/say/whispers/bnet whispers/officer/party.
You can choose the channels to reply based on say/guild/officer/party. Whispers always reply in same, be it over or in game.
Typing /tsm and going to the Price Checker module options will allow you to access the options for it.