Musician List
Load and save songs in game for the Musician add-on.
MusicianList is also available for WoW Classic, be sure to install the right version of the add-on.
The song list is accessible from Musician main menu on the minimap or by clicking the list button in the main import window.
To save the current song to the list, press the Save button in the main import window or in the song editor.
Highlight a song to show the action buttons (play, rename, share, delete).
Type /mus help
to get the command list.
MusicianList is also available for WoW Classic, be sure to install the right version of the add-on.
Special thanks to Mystic Zaru, Eldorias and Oliira-Moonguard for the demo songs!
Command list
Open song list
/mus list
/mus songs
Save the current song
/mus save [<song name>]
If omitted, the song name shown in the import field will be used.
Load a song
/mus load (<song name>|<song number>)
Load and play a song
/mus play (<song name>|<song number>)
Load and preview a song
/mus preview (<song name>|<song number>)
Filter song name
/mus find <song name>
/mus search <song name>
/mus filter <song name>
Delete song
/mus delete [(<song name>|<song number>)]
/mus del [(<song name>|<song number>)]
/mus remove [(<song name>|<song number>)]
If no song name or number is specified, the currently loaded song will be deleted.
Rename song
/mus rename [<song number> [<new name>]]
/mus ren [<song number> [<new name>]]
/mus mv [<song number> [<new name>]]
If no parameter is specified, the currently loaded song will be renamed.
Restore demo songs
/mus demosongs