A simple aggregation of trade skill recipes. Links trade category <-> recipe(s) <-> skill spell <-> item <-> item spell <-> effects.
Not all item's have a spell, nor all item spells have an effect. For instance, enchantments create an effect and not item at all! If a trade skill is taught strictly by an NPC then there is no recipe. In some versions, some trade skills have multiple recipes, hence we use a table of recipes, although in general the result is an empty table or singleton.
For library usages in your TOC file:
- Classic:
- TBC:
- Wotlk:
- Retail:
Then reference via LibStub with
local LibTradeSkillRecipes = LibStub("LibTradeSkillRecipes-1")
---Gets the name of the effect.
---@param effectId number id of the effect
---@return string name of the effect
---Gets all effects, id to name.
---@return table all the effects
---Gets all the associated spells to the given category.
---@param categoryId number id of the category
---@return table spell ids associated to the category
---Gets all trade categories, id to a table of all the info.
---@return table all the categories
---@class TradeSkillInfo
---@field categoryId number trade skill category id for the item or effect
---@field expansionId number original expansion for the item or effect (0 based)
---@field recipeIds (number)[] list of the all recipe ids to learn the trade skill
---@field spellId number spell used to create the item or effect
---@field itemId? number item that is created from the spell
---@field spellEffectId? number effect provided by the spell or using the item, e.g. an enchantment
---@field salvageId? number items received from salving, currently has no lookup
---@field craftingDataId? number crafting elements created from the spell
---Given an recipe id, returns associated information for crafting.
---@param recipeId number
---@return table TradeSkillInfo
---Given an item id, returns associated information for crafting.
---@param itemId number
---@return table TradeSkillInfos items can have multiple spells if there are different levels created
---Given a spellId id, returns associated information for crafting.
---@param spellId number
---@return table TradeSkillInfo
Note: Expansion is a value 0
to 9
, e.g. Wotlk is 2
, Retail is 9
. While versions are represented 1-10
for tables,
Blizzard uses a 0 index for table values. Also, Wago Db does not have data for expansions 3-6
, so those values are 7
Run scripts in WowDbScripts, then copy over any change here.
Run Tests
Ensure you have lua installed, e.g. brew install lua
Run lua tests.lua
and look for Tests Passed!