The HandyNotes plugin for The War Within expansion. It will add the locations and rewards for rare mobs, battle pets, treasures and other miscellaneous points of interest to the map.
Related Plugins
- HandyNotes: Kalimdor & Eastern Kingdoms
- HandyNotes: The Burning Crusade
- HandyNotes: Wrath of the Lich King
- HandyNotes: Cataclysm
- HandyNotes: Mists of Pandaria
- HandyNotes: Warlords of Draenor
- HandyNotes: Legion
- HandyNotes: Battle for Azeroth
- HandyNotes: Shadowlands
- HandyNotes: Dragonflight
- HandyNotes: The War Within
Global Features
Rare Mobs
Rare mobs are listed as skulls on your map. If the skull is blue colored, that means you still need a collectible reward from that rare. If the rare has multiple spawn points, shares a spawn with common mobs or has a path, hovering over the skull will indicate all the points of interest or paths. Left-clicking on the skull will stick the points of interested on the map and minimap as you travel.
Treasures & Collectibles
Locations and solutions for treasures are displayed on the map, along with the achievement they are associated with and any rewards they contain. Each treasure icon will disappear once it has been looted. The locations of mounts, pets and other collectibles found in the open world are also noted.
Battle Pets and Trainers
The locations of all pet trainers and creature battles are marked on the map. Any achievements associated with defeating that creature or trainer will appear in the tooltip.
Right-clicking a node to bring up its context menu. From this menu you can:
- Create a Blizzard or TomTom waypoint
- Hide this node or restore all hidden nodes
Quick Toggle Menu
In addition to the plugin settings menu found under Interface > Addons > HandyNotes, a quick toggle menu will appear on any map that contains nodes added by this plugin. This allows you to quickly toggle, resize or change the opacity of nodes displayed on the current map.
- Change icon sizes and alpha based on type (rares, treasures, battle pets, etc)
- Customize the size and color of POIs and paths.
- Enable or disable groups of icons
- Enlarge icons when the world map is maximized
- Show only rares that you still need rewards from
- Show already completed nodes
Expansion Features
This plugin adds information to the map for the following zones:
- Patch 11.0 - The Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, Azj-Kahet
In addition to rares, treasures and pet battles, this plugin also adds the following expansion or zone-specific items.
Khaz Algar
- Lore objects for the Khaz Algar Lore Hunter achievement.
- Skyriding Race locations for the Khaz Algar Completionist: Gold family of achievements.
- Sturdy Chests inside delves for the Leave No Treasure Unfound achievement.
- Option to display Delve-related achievements in the tooltips of Delves on the world map.
The Isle of Dorn
- Forgegrounds Press for the Flat Earthen achievement.
- Sizzling Cinderpollen farm location for the Soaring Meaderbee mount.
The Ringing Deeps
- Earthen consoles for the Not So Quick Fix achievement.
- Note fragments for the Notable Machines achievement.
- Plaques for the Rocked to Sleep achievement.
- Glulgurp and Ethereal Glimmerling locations for Gobblin' with Glublurp achievement.
- Location for the I Only Need One Trip achievement.
- Beledar's Spawn with a timer for the Beledar's Spawn mount.
- Lore books for the Biblo Archivist achievement.
- Mementos for the Lost and Found achievement.
- Ferocious warcats for the The Missing Lynx achievement.
- Targets for the Mereldar Menance achievement.
- Lesser Keyflames for the Beacon of Hope achievement.
- Arathi Infirmary for the Flamegard's Hope achievement.
- Weave-rats for the Itsy Bitsy Spider achievement.
- Books for the Smelling History achievement.
- Skittershaw route for the Skittershaw Spin achievement.
- Another You locations for the No Harm Ever Came From Reading A Book achievement.
- Location for the The Unseeming achievement.
- Location for the You Can't Hang With Us achievement.
This addon has been translated to the following languages:
- German (thanks Dathwada EU-Eredar!)esES
- Spanish (Spain) (thanks (EU) Krovikan-Minahonda!)frFR
- French (thanks Lightuky EU-Khaz Modan!)ruRU
- Russian (thanks ZamestoTV, Сстра (Ирина), Нина Краева!)zhCN
- Chinese (Simplified) (thanks Adavak!)
If you would like to translate the addon to another language, please open a ticket or submit a pull request on GitHub.
Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments if:
- Something is out of place on the map.
- A reward, path or spawn point is missing from a rare.
- Icons are not removed from the map when expected.