A minimal LDB plugin to show the latest group loots (and whisper to the more lucky players)
Works better with a data broker display like chocolate bar, bazooka, ninjapanel, stat block, titan panel, docking station, buttonbin and more, but you can also use the console command to attach to minimap.
or the commands
/gmlm minimap show
/gmlm minimap hide
/gmLm demo
/gmLm reset
If you are interested in helping translating, please visit forum:
providing the following entries:
L["Right-Click"] = ""
L["Left-Click"] = ""
L["Middle-Click"] = ""
L["Items reports"] = ""
L["No items yet"] = ""
L["Whisp player"] = ""
L["Show item"] = ""
L["Min Quality"] = ""
L["Equip Only"] = ""
L["Myself"] = ""
L["Demo"] = ""
L["Hey, do you mind to trade me %s if you don't need it ?"] = ""
Example in Italian:
-- Italian translations by me
L["Right-Click"] = "Tasto-Destro"
L["Left-Click"] = "Tasto-Sinistro"
L["Middle-Click"] = "Tasto-Centrale"
--- etc etc