Unlock/Lock Doors for chosen Sims
This little tuning Mod adds more Lock/Unlock Options to Doors/Gates, as well as Options to Doors on Community Lots.
How this Mod works:
On Residential Lots
When the Door/Gate is unlocked you'll find a new "Lock for..." Pie Menu:
With the following Options:
Lock for specific Pets, Sims. With the SimPicker you can choose up to 20 Sims/Pets including Sims/Pets who are not in the Household to lock the Door/Gate for.
Gender & Age* Door/Gate Locks (only one Age can be locked out at the same time!)
For Horse Ranch or Cottage Living you can lock the Door/Gate for all small Farm Animals (Chicken, Rabbit, Sheep, Goats)
Advanced "Everyone but Employees" which allows more Employees than the original Everyone but Employees Ingame Interaction.
- Bartender Role
- Maid Role
- Entertainer Role
- Caterer Role
- job_pizzaDelivery
- jobs_MassageTherapist_Service
- job_Butler
- jobs_nanny
- situationJob_ecoinspector_inspector
- job_Repair
- jobs_Cafe_Barista
- situationJob_civicinspector_inspector
- jobs_OnsenEmployee
- job_Bartender_WolfTown
- job_bartender_BabyShower
- jobs_FireBrigadeVolunteer
- jobs_Firefighter
- job_HighSchool_Active_Base_FireFighter
- jobs_Venue_Waiter
- jobs_Venue_Host
- jobs_Venue_Chef
- jobs_RelaxationVenue_Bartender
- jobs_RelaxationVenue_MassageTherapist
- jobs_RelaxationVenue_Reflexologist
- job_GrimReaper
- job_mailman
- job_Festival_Blossom_Bartender
- job_bartender_AlienWorld
- job_Bartender_GoDancing
- job_Bartender_Jungle
- job_bartender_bar_MyshunoMeadows
- situationJob_VIPRope_Bouncer
- job_bartender_HiredNPC
- job_caterer_HiredNPC
- job_Caterer_Vegetarian_HiredNPC
- job_Festival_Food_Bartender
- jobs_Cafe_Barista_HiredNPC
- job_entertainer_birthday_party
- job_entertainer_BlackAndWhiteParty
- job_entertainer_wedding
- job_Entertainer_Guitar_AtHome
- job_Entertainer_MicComedy_AtHome
- job_Entertainer_Piano_AtHome
- job_Entertainer_Violin_AtHome
- job_Entertainer_Organ_AtHome
- job_entertainer_lounge
- jobs_Venue_HomeChef
- job_bartender
- job_bartender_birthday_party
- job_bartender_BlackAndWhiteParty
- job_bartender_CostumeParty
- job_bartender_dinner_party
- job_bartender_singles_party
- job_bartender_wedding
- job_bartender_bar
- job_Gardener_Service
- job_maid
- jobs_Service_NPC_RanchHand
- situationJob_Retail_Employee
- situationJob_Retail_NPCEmployee
- situationJob_CareerDoctor_NPC_Doctor
- situationJob_CareerDoctor_NPC_Doctor_diagnoser
- situationJob_CareerDoctor_NPC_OBGYN
- situationJob_CareerDoctor_NPC_Nurse
- situationJob_CareerDoctor_NPC_Assistant
- jobs_Vet_Employee
- some Vendors
When the Door/Gate is locked you'll find a new "Unlock Door for..." Pie Menu:
With the following Options:
Unlock for specific Pets/Sims. With the SimPicker you can choose up to 20 Sims/Pets including Sims who are not in the Household to unlock the Door/Gate for.
Unlock Options for certain Ages. After locking the Door you’ll find a new Pie Menu “Unlock Door for…” under “Allow Access to…”. There you can choose the Age you want to unlock the Door for. I added Age Groups as well so you can unlock for Toddler - Children, Teens - Young Adults, Teens - Adults or Young Adults - Adults. To lock it for a certain Age again you need to “Unlock” the door for all and redo all locks.
For Horse Ranch or Cottage Living you can unlock the Door/Gate for all small Farm Animals (Chicken, Rabbit, Sheep, Goats)
On Community Lots
Lock for all, Unlock for all, allow Employees/Butler and “Unlock Door for…” are enabled on Community Lots. New: Gender & Age Door Locks (only one Age can be locked out at the same time!)
How to unlock/lock Doors for specific Sims/Pets
Unlock For Sims:
- Lock the Door
- Then Unlock it for chosen Sims
- The Door is then unlocked for the chosen Sims
Unlock For Pets:
- Lock the Door
- Then Unlock it for chosen Pets
- The Door is then unlocked for the chosen Pets
Lock For certain Sims:
- Under the Mod Lock for Pie Menu is a new Lock Door for Simpicker where you can lock certain Sims out.
What you also need to know
I cannot guarantee that this will work on Apartment Front Doors. They seem to have a different Unlock/Lock mechanic from the Outside.
If a sim has already decided on their route to a location, locking a door on their chosen path will be ignored until the next time they try to find a route somewhere.
This Mod uses the same Locking System, then the Ingame one, which means if the Game Lock System is bugged this Mod will not fix that.
Available Languages:
- Polish by Pawlq/Dariaxx
- Dutch by ElenaInTheSims
- French by Yuu
- Spanish by Juniorcayher
- Portuguese by Guedesrs
- Japanese by Simtelma/ maru dada
- Danish by Sighubert
- Russian by KissaLopa
- Italian by zaffirogarnet/ CriIncubus
- Simplified Chinese by Licer
- Traditional Chinese by hristine_jxn, Soulkiller, Licer
Mod Support available via my Discord: