"Divorce is always hard on children..." the game claims -- well, not really hard, just a tiny bit depressing if they happen to be there to witness it. Even then it only takes four hours for them to get over it completely!
Not any more!
This mod increases the sadness level for children to +3 and the duration increases to 5 days.
Teens didn't get sad at all, they just ignored the divorce. I think this was a bug or oversight as some of the files reference teens, but not all of them. This will give teens a sadness of only +2 for 4 days (since they're hopefully a bit more emotionally stable than children).
In addition, the news of the divorce will be broadcast to as many children as possible, not just those who happen to witness it. Due to the limitations currently in the game, news doesn't travel up or down a flight of stairs or to those on another lot, so children that aren't on the same floor or that are off to school will be blissfully unaware of the unhappy event. However, this mod does make the news travel to children on the other side of the wall, or if on the ground floor, playing out in the yard or even jogging down the block.
So, it's an improvement, but not really perfect. Hopefully someone will determine how to make news go up a flight of steps soon!
Tech Notes
This may be of interest if you are experiencing a conflict and know how to debug such issues, or if you are creating another mod affecting divorce reactions and wish to incorporate these changes to eliminate conflicts. If you do create another mod using these changes, I would appreciate receiving credit.
This modifies the following XML resources:
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000006615 - mixer_social_Divorce_targeted_mean_relationship
S4_DEBAFB73_00000000_0000000000017D8A - broadcaster_Divorce
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000017D8D - reaction_Child_Divorce
S4_6017E896_00000000_0000000000017D8F - buff_ChildDivorce (plus DATA resource)
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000017D90 - reaction_ChildDivorceAggregate
S4_E882D22F_00000000_000000000001E98A - broadcaster_Generic_Reactions_Sad
The following XML resources have been added:
S4_0C772E27_00000000_CCB19A147E4C4C6F - MTS_Scumbumbo_Loot_Buff_Teen_Toddler_Divorce
S4_E882D22F_00000000_ABCF2198D67E4348 - MTS_Scumbumbo_reactionFallback_Teen_Toddler_Divorce
S4_E882D22F_00000000_AD13AB66A8F767C3 - MTS_Scumbumbo_reactionFallback_Child_Divorce
S4_6017E896_00000000_D75E95BAD9273018 - MTS_Scumbumbo_buff_Teen_Toddler_Divorce
S4_E882D22F_00000000_FFE9EB993B9321C2 - MTS_Scumbumbo_reaction_Teen_Toddler_Divorce
Additional Credits
As always, the authors of S4PE.