This mod adds swimming skill (separately to fitness). Now, be careful with this mod. If your Sim can't swim or has low level (0-2 swimming skill level) they can really easily drown if you spend in the water too much time! It includes also swimming in the ocean if you have Island Living, so don't go far away at the beginning.
For the mod to work you need also XML injector (the current version).

At first you'll get Barely Floating buff. When you get the second buff - Risk of Drowning - this is high time to get your Sim out of water immediately! (as game likes to lag... save a lot your game not loose your favourite Sim :P )
How to learn swimming safely?
You can start regular classes or take individul lesson (available on phone under Work category).
Also if other Sim has 5lvl of swimming skill, they can teach other to swim (all, childen and adults).
With this skill few new interactions comes as well (under Friendly>Interests):

Each level unlocks some activities (that previously were always available).
At level 2: Sim can drift on the back and can jump from diving platform into the pool normally or do cannonball (before those interactions are not available).
Level 3: Sim can also do snorkeling and do a swan dive from diving platform.
Level 4: Sim can now scuba dive and do a backflip from diving platform.
Level 5: Sim can now mentor other Sims in swimming and do free diving.
Also with each level Sim gets better stamina in the water, get tired more slowly. Style of swimming should be now affected by swimming skill, not fitness skill.
What's important: No NPC nor Sim that is outside of currently played household should be able to drown! I made tests and those Sims are safe now. No NPCs were harmed in the making or testing of this mod... Still... be careful ;)
1. Aquatic Achiever Aspiration
This is aspiration focused on Swimming itself and related activities.
Reward trait: Ocean Explorer - Sims with this trait can gain some energy and fun, and loose weight faster while swimming, and also they can call dolphins any time (of course interaction to call a dolphin will appear only if you have Island Living).
2. Semi-active Career "Professional Swimmer" that includes 6 branches:
- Coaching
- Olympic Swimmer
- Aquatic Performer
- Underwater Photographer
- Marine Wildlife Specialist
- Aquatic Therapist
Each branch of the career will have some home assignments and objectives. While having only base game will still allow you to use this carreer, also as semi-active career, having more packs will improve the mod possibilities, for example:
Underwater Photographer uses media production skill from Get Famous, diving and snorkeling from Island Living, etc.
Marine Wildlife Specialist uses interactions with dolphins, Vet and Pet training skills from Cats & Dogs, etc.
Olympic Swimmer uses Get Famous so you can have a task to give autographs or to organize a Meeting with Fans. Also you'll need to get some level of fame for promotion.
Aquatic Therapist uses Wellness skill, etc.
You'll get 2 assignments daily, but the below screenshot is just for presentation purposes.
Olympic Swimmer and Aquatic Performer have special rabbit hole interactions to participate in the Swimming Competitions, with various scenarios and outcomes. Winning is a requirement for promotions. Taking part in the competition will give some fame also, regardless of winning or lossing.
* While testing these Competitions interactions, I noticed that sometimes the scenario doesn't appear. I'm not sure why, as I used the mechanism that worked always flawlessly for me. Unfortunately if the scenario doesn't appear, the only way is to repeat the interaction.
3. Pool Floats
There are 14 Pool Floats, available for Adults, Teens and Children. The swatches correspond to swatches available with The Poolside Splash Kit. You can buy a float via Build/Buy Mode, or you can click on the computer and choose the Purchase interaction (listed next to other Purchase interactions). You can have several floats, also of the same colors, they can be stored in the Sim inventory, or put somewhere in the world, also on the pool (however these floaties are not for sitting).
4. Wearing pool floats will protect from drowning
By clicking on the Floaty, you can Wear a Pool Float. The floaty of the chosen texture will appear on your Sim (unfortunately on all clothes categories :D so just choose swimwear ;) ). Now your Sim can swim safely and they will not drown! :)
To take off the floaty, just click on it and use corresponding interaction (option will not be available on the floaty that you don't wear currenly).
5. New Trait "S.W.I.M. Certification" - Simnation Watercraft and Immersion Mastery
Sims with this new trait will be able to Throw a Lifeline to other Sims and to earn money by coaching Sims in swimming.
To get that certification you can:
Complete Swimming classes as a Teen, this will automatically grant you this trait
Complete 4 levels of Professional Swimmer, this will automatically grant you this trait
Once achieving 5lvl of swimming skill, you can try to pass the exam (attempt costs 500$, interaction available when clicking on a Sim). There are 4 questions.
You can use cheat, e.g. MCCC ;)
6. New interaction to Throw a Lifeline
When another Sim is swimming and still has low level of swimming skill, a Sim certified with S.W.I.M can use interaction to Throw a Lifeline. This will automaticall give to swimming Sim a pool float.
It will also work when a Sim is already drowning!
Also, a saved Sim will gain some sentiment toward the Sim who throw a lifeline.
*If someone would like to collab or if I finally learn blender, it would be great to expand this Throw a Lifeline interaction with some cool animations, but now it is, what it is ;)
7. Changes to Island Living careers: Lifeguard and Diver
I added objectives to both careers for swimming skill, and for Lifeguard to pass S.W.I.M. exam.
8. Changes to swimming classes and coaching interaction
Now participating in swimming classes will significantly increase the level of swimming skill.
Coaching other Sims swimming will allow your Sims to earn some money with S.W.I.M. certification. And if a Sim is in the Coach career - earnings will significantly increase. Also a Sim that is mentored will be protected from drowning even without a floaty.
9. Compatibility with Comfort Motive Mod by Waffle's Mix-Ins.
Now when your Sim is swimming and you have this mod by Waffle, your Sim comfort will increase :)
10. Last but not least. Cheat.
I discovered that if your Sim is wearing a pool float and then you sell the pool float from the inventory (it can happen), or I don't know what happens but anyway, you'll miss the original pool float - your Sim will not be able to take it off (due to the mechanism I applied you need the object your Sim is wearing). So just for such a case, so you don't have to remove entire mod from the game, I created a cheat interaction, which will remove completely the pool float from the Sim.
It's available under cheat menu: enable cheats (with code testingcheats true), then shift-click on the Sim and find the interaction Take off Pool Float. Do not use this normally, only in the emergency, when you loose the original floaty object and can't take off the floaty in other way.
"Coach in swimming" interaction sometimes appears twice, I have no idea why, I checked so many things that could be the reason of it.
As I mentioned already earlier, while testing Competitions interactions, I noticed that sometimes the scenario doesn't appear. Unfortunately if the scenario doesn't appear, the only way is to repeat the interaction.
Still when you use the ladder from the ocean (Island Living) – the „Risk of drowning” buff doesn't go away. Workaround: it's enough to go to World view and go back to your game and the buff is gone.
English (by me, default)
Russian (by Origamika Group)
Polish (by me)
French (Kimiko Soma, for French translation check the article here)
by Laura Martinez Barca, to download translation check the article here
by RoshySims, to download Spanish translation check the article here
German (by Blubbie, to dowload from here: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4662253/)
Chinese by:
Jonas (林)) - integrated
GypsyTie, to download from: https://www.sglynp.com/t169407
Rest of the languages listed below have translation only for the first version of this mod, so all new features miss the translation.
Dutch (by Kimberley)
Swedish (by Liba)
Brazilian Portuguese (by amazonidagirl or Ayrthwil or Alilin):
- (by amazonidagirl, to download from: https://amazonidagirl.tumblr.com/post/672680531630178304/realistic-swimming-realistic-swimming-por)
- (by Ayrthwil, to download from: https://ayrthwil.tumblr.com/post/668484731406614528/realistic-swimming-ikavelle-coloque-os)
- (by Alilin, to download from: https://redcow-alilin.tumblr.com/post/681620699040890880/tradu%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-mod-realistic-swimming-de-ilkavelle)