Live In Business
This Mod adds Lot Traits (or Lot Challenges, when the optional Addon is installed) to the Game which let’s you run Businesses at Home!
How this Mod works:
General Info:
You’ll find New Options on Doors, Arches & Gates when one of the Lot Traits/Challenges is used to Open and Close your Business. (More Info in the Lot Trait/Challenges Details)
Guests that spawn are based on the NPCs that get spawned on the actual Lot. The Behaviour of those are the same as those on the original Community Lot.
Make sure to lock other Doors if you don’t want your Guests to go into your Home etc! I personally have a fence around my Lot with a Gate which is locked for all others when i open my Business. I also have the Business in a secured Area on my Lot so they can go only in there.
This will spawn NPCs on your Home Lot. Depending on your Household Size, Lot Size, Pets, Objects on the Lot, Neighborhood etc pp. it could cause Lags if your PC can’t handle everything! I used this on my very good PC were it runs very smoothly as well as on my Gaming Laptop were it was just a tiny bit laggy here and there.
Technically you could use several Lot Traits/Challenges of this on one Lot. Like a Cáfe at Day and Club at Night. But i don’t recommend to open more than one Business at the same Time!
Install the Main Mod and the following Lot Traits/Challenges you want ingame:
Live in Cáfe (Get Together EP needed)
Needs a EspressoBar on the Lot to open
Opening your Live in Cáfe will let Cáfe Guests spawn
The Cáfe can be opened 24/7
When your Cáfe is open you can collect Income via the Computer or Tablet (Range 1.500~ 1.750 $) once per Day/Household
You can also earn Money for each Cáfe Drink/Food you sell if you use my updated More buyable Venues Mod (Main Mod Package needed only – Get to Work not needed if you don’t want to buy Community Lots!)
Optional Addons
Dog Owner & Dogs as Cáfe Guests (LIB Cáfe Addon)
This Addon will also let Dog Owners & their Dogs spawn.
Live in Bar
Opening your Live in Bar will let Bar Guests spawn
The Bar can be opened 24/7
When your Bar is open you can collect Income via the Computer or Tablet (Range 1.000~ 1.250$) once per Day/Household
You can also earn Money for each Bar Drink/Food you sell if you use my updated More buyable Venues Mod (Main Mod Package needed only – Get to Work not needed if you don’t want to buy Community Lots!)
Live in Club
Opening your Live in Club will let Club Guests spawn
The Club can be opened 24/7
Via the Option on Doors you can set the Entrance Fee for each Sim between 1$ - 999$
You can also earn Money for each Bar Drink/Food you sell if you use my updated More buyable Venues Mod (Main Mod Package needed only – Get to Work not needed if you don’t want to buy Community Lots!)
Live in Daycare
Opening your Live in Daycare will let between 5-8 Toddler spawn right away (must exist in the World!)
They will stay up to 12hrs if you don’t close the Daycare before that. They will probabley not stay over Night if the Game does not like that
The Daycare can be opened 24/7
Via the Option on Doors you can set the Fee for each Toddler between 1$ - 999$
Optional Addon
More Toddler - Spawns 3-5 more Toddler
Live in Gym
Opening your Live in Gym will let Gym Guests spawn
The Gym can be opened 24/7
Via the Option on Doors you can set the Entrance Fee for each Sim between 1$ - 999$
You can also earn Money for mentoring Sims or giving Yoga Classes if you use my updated More buyable Venues Mod (Main Mod Package needed only – Get to Work not needed if you don’t want to buy Community Lots!)
Live in Pet Daycare (Cats & Dogs EP needed)
Needs a Pet Bowl or Pet Bed on the Lot to open
Opening your Live in Pet Daycare will let between 3-7 Dogs & 3-7 Cats spawn right away (must exist in the World!)
They will stay up to 12hrs if you don’t close the Pet Daycare before that.
The Pet Daycare can be opened 24/7
Via the Option on Doors you can set the Fee for each Pet between 1$ - 999$
You can train Pets as well as do the Parcour with them.
Live in Vet Clinic (Cats & Dogs EP needed)
Needs a Vet Exam Table on the Lot to open
You can now open your Vet Clinic at Home. The Vet Clinic works a bit different then the normal ingame one. To treat Patients you can begin the Exam via the ExamTable (“Begin Exam…”) Option. No Greeting needed here. Keep an Eye on the number of patients so you can close the Vet Clinic to be able to treat them all. The current Patients on the Lot will still stay (for a while). After opening the Vet Clinic it may take a little for the first Patients & Owner to spawn. You’ll get a Notification when a Patient spawn to know which Patient should be examed next. The Treatment of Pets costs 25$, you won't see it on Interactions like you would on the original Vet Clinic Lot, but you'll still get charged.
You’ll earn 500 - 1.000$ per Patient.
You can hire/(and fire) Employees via the new Pie Menu “Live in Business” - Hire/Fire… on Doors. Employees can be Teens and up but be aware if you choose Teens or a Sim that already has a Job it can be that sometimes they’ll not arrive at work or will arrive later. I used Teens as Employees and they almost always showed up even if it was School Time.
The Employees will spawn after opening the Vet Clinic (may take a little if you have more than one hired) but will not leave on their own when you close the Vet Clinic. They will stay until you dismiss them via the Management - Dismiss Interaction on the Employee themself. Each Employee costs 250$ per Day. Employees cannot do everything. On default they’ll clean, repair & fill up Pet Bowls. You can order them to craft Treats though which you can then put into the Vet Machine to sell to Pet Owners. On default they will not wear Uniforms but you can use the Outfit Addon listet below to let them wear one of four possible Uniform Colors. If you don’t want to use the LIB Vet Clinic anymore make sure to fire your Employees.
You’ll find a new Purchase Option under Order on Computers where you can buy Vet ExamTable & Surgery Station Medicine. They will be delivered via mail.
Known Issues: Sometimes Pets get off the ExamTable and you have to get them on it again to continue the Exam (happens on Vet Venues as well). Depending on several Reasons (other mods or lot situations etc) it can happen that the connection between Pet & Pet Owner breaks or that the Owner leaves before the Exam is finished and therefore your Sim will not be able to give them the Bill. I just pretend to do a good deed with that pet then ;)
Optional Addons
Vet Clinic More Patients (LIB Vet Clinic Addon)
If you feel like you get not enough Patients you can use this for a higher chance of more Patients spawning.
Vet Clinic Outfit (LIB Vet Clinic Addon)
You can choose one out of four possible Outfits for your Employees to wear: Blue Multi, Brown Multi, Plum Multi or Mint Multi. Only choose & Install one!
Live in Store
With this Lot Trait Customers (1-3 per hrs) will spawn when the Live in Store is open. Set Items for Sell so Customers can view and buy them if they like what they see. Some Customers will buy one Item, some will continue shopping and some will buy nothing at all.
This Store should work without the Get to Work DLC installed since it is build from scratch. But it also means it works completley different. It is more like a “Self-Service Store” without Employees and without the need to interact with Customers. You can only sell specific Objects that are collectible or craftable.
New Pie Menu on Doors “Live in Store”
Within this Pie Menu you find 4 Options to set the Mark-Up for your Store. Default is 0% but you can set it to 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. Be aware the higher the Mark-Up the lower the Chance Customer will buy something.
To get more Customers (2-6 per hrs) into your Store you can book a Short Term or Long Term Web Campaign in Simcity Online. Short Term costs 25$ per Day and lasts 2 Days. Long Term lasts 7 Days and only costs the Price for 6 Days (150$). Advertising your Store will also increase the Will to buy something!
What can be sold in your Live in Store?
Canvas - Sell your own Paintings in your own Gallery.
Woodworks - You can sell all Woodworks you can create via the Woodworking Table including Objects made with my More Woodworks Mod. Some Interactions are disabled for self created Instruments so your Sims shouldn’t use them on their own when they are set for Sale.
Self written Books - Sell your Books directly to Customers. You will find a new “Copy Book” Interaction on your Books which let’s you copy Books a bit cheaper and puts them into your Inventory without your Sim doing the Interaction. Make sure to keep the Original and only sell the Copies! Some Interactions like Read, Put Away are disabled for Books that are set for Sale so you don’t have to worry your Sims or Maids putting them away over and over again.
Frabricated Items
Knitted Items
Carved Pumpkins
Herbalism Potions
Realm of Magic Potions
Toy Robots, Mini Bots & Quadcopter
Flower Arrangements
Cross Stitchs, Wool
Canned Goods, Giant Crops Small to Large, Jerry/Jam, Milk, and Eggs
Space Rocks
Autographed Objects
Easter Eggs
My Sims
Candy Skulls
City Poster
Space Prints
Sulani Treasures
(Basemental Mod Items)
Food (including Honey)
Nectar Bottles (Horse Ranch DLC)
Food set for sell will not be touched anymore by your Sims. I recommend to use the Retail Display to keep the Food longer Fresh. High Quality Food will have a higher Chance to be bought. Spoiled Food will not be bought by Customers.
Fish can be sold via Aquariums. Put the Fish into a Aquarium and “Set Fish for Sell” via the Interaction on Aquariums. Customers will buy the Fish directly out of the Aquarium. The Retail Display is also available to sell Fish from.
Harvestables (compatible with CC Plants that have the Func “GardeningSkillPlant” added)
You can sell Harvestables directly from the Bush or Tree. If “Set Harvestables for Sale” is activated on a Bush/Tree Customers will harvest them on their own. If you use my Auto Gardening Mod and have the Auto Harvest enabled Bushes/Trees which are set for Sale will not be harvested.
The “Set for Sale” Interactions except Fish & Harvestables show the Retail Price including the Mark-Up etc., so you can see already what you would get but if you change any setting after setting it for sale the price can change of course.
Important to Know
I highly recommend to use a Mod to increase the Sims in Zone Limit, like MC Command Center (Population Module). The default limit is 20 Sims in the Zone on and off Lot including your own Household & Pets, so this Limit is pretty fast reached. I personally have the Zone Limit set to 60.
Optional Addons
Send to Inventory
With this Addon some Items will be send into the Customers Inventory instead of being destroyed. Canvas, Woodworks (which can be put into Sims Inventories) & Books are enabled for this Addon. This way your created Items will indeed end up being bought by Customers. Be aware if you have Mods that clean up Inventories of not played NPCs etc. those Items could be deleted too.
Risk of Kleptos
With this Addon Customers with the Kleptomaniac Trait might not pay for the Items they “buy” ;)
Egg Box/Milk Container (Cottage Living)
Addon which adds Options on Milk/Eggs (From Sims Inventory, enough Ingredients need to be in their Inventory) to put 10 of each into a Egg Box/Milk Container which are sellable
Optional Addons
Lot Challenge
Addon which moves the Lot Trait to be a Lot Challenge instead since you can only have three Lot Traits but unlimited Lot Challenges
Can you do this for Vet, Retail & Restaurant?
I added the Vet Clinic & a Retail like Store in an Update. Restaurant is much more complicated as Vet & Retail. So not sure if this will even be possible. A lot of Interactions etc. is locked for the Restaurant Lot which makes it difficult to use the Ingame Features for this. I did not have time yet to really try around though.
Store Customers are stealing everything?
There is an Addon available that allows Sims with the Klepto Trait to have a Chance to steal, but there are other Mods/Game Features that can let Sims steal Objects, for example the Ingame NAP Sharing is Caring from Eco Lifestyle. If you have my Addon and a Klepto would steal, you would get a Mod Notification about a Sim stealing something. So if they steal without the Notification, you know that it is not the Mod doing it.
Are Translations available?
The following Translations are available and included in the Mod Files:
- English (default)
- German by me
- Dansk by Sighubert
- Japanese by maru dada
- Portuguese by Ana Carolina, meldrin
- Italian by Rory
- Chinese by hi007097
- Spanish by leo3487
- Swedish by hellogreeny
- Polish by フェアリーテイル
- Russian Tr. by texsss, Rinke
- French by Lorraine3055/ CandymanGaming
- Simplified Chinese by an/ MonicaJ
- Czech Translation by taien/Xeria
- Italian by zomboide
- Dutch by angel2evil
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