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Horse Riding Together

This Mod let's you command another Horse (with or without a Rider on it!) to follow you while you are Horse Riding.

How the Mod works:

When you sit on a Horse you can click on it to see the "Horse Riding Together" Interaction. Choosing a Horse will let it follow your own Horse, when you start moving. You can choose a Horse without or with a Rider on it. You can command the other Horse to stop following by clicking on "Stop Horse Riding Together" on your Horse.

The Horse will auto stop following, when your Sim dismounts your Horse, or gets bucked off. 

When a Horse follows your Horse they both get a hidden Happy Buff, and the following Motives will fill up while the other Motives Decay are lowered to 25%:

  • Fun
  • Social
  • Bladder

Both Horses will also gain some Friendship progress every few minutes, and they will gain Friendship progress with Sims riding them as well. Your Sim will gain Friendship progress with the other Rider, if there are any.

The Mod is compatible with my Riding Companion Dog Mod, which means you can use both Mods to let a Horse and a Dog follow you.

"How it works" Video:

Important to Know:

Technically, the other Horse and the Horse you sit on will get into Routing Formation. This way their Walkstyles will match. Your Horse will be in two different Routing Formations at the same time, you sitting on the Horse, and the other Horse following it. Sometimes these Routing Formations can cause glitches, which is not necessary a Mod Issue. I recommend to save before choosing a Horse to follow you, in case a Glitch happens and you need to reload the Save.

It takes a Moment for them to get in the Routing Formation esp. when the other Horse is doing an Interaction at the moment you choose them in the SimPicker Menu. This means that it can take a moment until the next Interaction you clicked on e.g. Go on a Relaxed Ride, will start. The same is useful when switching between different Ride Options, and you feel like the Sims/Horses "lag".

Known Issues

  • Using the Game Speed 2 or 3, will glitch the following Horse into your Horse until you go back to normal Speed. Not sure if that is fixable yet.
  • The "Intense Ride" cancels itself sometimes, not sure if that is a Mod Issue or not, or if the Routing Formations do not work well with it.
  • It can happen that the following Horse (and Rider), will teleport back and forth, when stopping after a Ride Relaxed etc. This is not a Mod Issue that is a Game Issue that happens sometimes with various Interactions. Just wait a little, and use pause/unpause until the Horse is back.


Can I allow more Horses (with or without Rider) to follow at the same time?

No, not yet. It is planned to check if I can allow more than one Horse to follow you, but no guarantee yet that it will work.


Available Translations

  • English (default)
  • German by me
  • Russian by Jane_Moriarty
  • Danish by Sara863g


Mod Support available via my Discord: