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New update in the making, Guard villager are completly rewrited and will be more polished (they will finally eat :D ) No ETA yet tho!!     I always forgot I have this pack here, Find the latest version on modrinth. :p <details open=""> <summary>1.5.4 Update:</summary>
  • Change pack format so the pack is read compatible with 1.21
  • Fixed Guardvillager model switch between sword guard and bows/crossbows guard
  • Fixed Guardvillager steve model not beiing properly loaded on Neoforge
  • Fixed Guardvillager armor not beiing properly loaded on Neoforge
</details>   This pack aim to bring the flair of Fresh Animations into the modded world.
This pack is not made by Fresh LX, and is meant to be used along side his.

I use Entity Texture/Model Feature mods. Not tested with Optifine (might work), but who uses optifine in modded anyway? :p
I want to cover mods of both Forge and Fabric loader (not only mods present on both)
I try to retain how texture is mapped for each mods, so you can easily still have your own. It will be notified if for whatever reason I can't.
Should work with any Minecraft version that EMF/ETF support.

Mod pack maker, feel free to inculde this pack :)

Got featured here 😊

/!</span>/!</span>/!\ Disclaimer! Some querks might occur. Like a helmet on a guard villager will not follow the head corectly, or some attacks won't have animations. In some case it might be me who don't know what I'm doing, or it could be the way the mod vs EMF works wich lead to it not being possible. If you see something weird you can write a comment. If I can fix it, I will.

## Friends and Foes
(Forge and Fabric):
  - Moobloom
  - Iceologer
  - Wildfire
  - Illusioner is already in Fresh's pack.

## Guard villagers (Forge and Fabric):

  - Both Villager and Steve model

## More Mobs Variant (Fabric/Forge) (Only textures tweaks, require Fresh Animations):

  - Cat
  - Cow
  - Pig
  - Sheep
  - Wolf

## Ravage and Cabbage (Forge)

  - Cabbager
  - Ravager

## Savage and Ravage (Forge)

  - Creepie
  - Executioner
  - Griefer
  - Trickster
  - Iceologer
  - Skeleton Villager

You can always suggest a mod to add. (Good to know: I won't add animations to crazy boss mods or things "not in line" with a vanilla fell)
Please suggest mods that are up to date with at least 1.20(.1) 1.19... :p

(It takes a Pillage sadly not compatible)

Fresh Animations
Entity Texture Feature
Entity Model Feature