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Intergalactic Conflict - Season 2

Currently In Development.


Intergalactic Conflict - Season 1 (Ended).


It is said that sometime in the 21st century Elon musk successfully landed Starship on Mars. After the initial supply drop from the Starship, A team was sent aboard Starship #2. They Assembled the first habitat and stargate and soon began to produce food and water, quickly moving on to expand the Bio-Dome using supplies sent via the Stargate from earth, Mars slowly became a paradise. After the Stargate was assembled, a workforce of 1500 prisoners was sent to Mars to help expand the colony, Prisoner's were given "injections" to help them "adapt" to the Mars environment, however, it turned out these shots were nothing more than nanobots that contained a deadly pathogen designed to kill anyone who put a foot out of line.

Once the Colony was built Prisoners who were promised salvation began to be deported back to earth, the ones who ran first were killed by the nanobots implanted by the Federation.
Slowly, the remaining prisoners laid down arms and returned to earth. Later They managed to disable the nanobots using an EMP built from salvaged materials.

The time had finally come for the population to start moving to Mars! A "Lottery" system was put in place to select people at random to move to Mars. In all truth it seemed only the wealthy and Essential people ever won! It wasn't long until military turned on government's - government's on people.
One Hundred Thousand people had finally been granted Citizenship to Mars, Preparations began to move all those selected to a secure Stargate facility to await Transfer on 31/12/2030.

The remaining government's formed the Federation to claim ownership of Mars under one governing body, once again making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
No one knows who attacked us the day of the great shift, some blame terrorists, others blame other countries such as China, North Korea, the list goes on. All we know for sure is that during the great shift a nuclear weapon was detonated destroying the Stargate and cutting off travel to Mars completely.

Unknown to most Elon musk was secretly working on a warp capable ship that could accommodate 100 people in cryogenic sleep, while it traveled. The only issue? It was in orbit somewhere, and no one left knew of it's existence. It wasn't long till earth's remaining resources become non-existent and KILL or be KILLED was the new norm.

A scavenging group looting the remains of Industrial buildings came across a factory that seemed to still be operational. Managing to break inside, they come across technology people could only dream of.... What was this place?

The answer was in plain sight. The "SpaceX Warp Research Center". Why was it still operational? Who was keeping it operational? The group moved in, taking full advantage of comforts not seen in years. Fusion power, clean water, stock piles of food, every night was a feast!.

Slowly they worked through the facility discovering information about a prototype Warp Drive being tested in outer orbit. But how could they get to it was it even working?, A few days later they discovered the Transporter room. The only issue was that the the computer to control the core was missing. They quickly begun work to assemble a new control computer from the vast stores located in the facility, then all that was left was to interface with it.

After finding documentation detailing the protocol's for the Transporter Core they achieved a link to a core signature scribbled on a work table, Where did it go? Would they even survive? Days passed followed by weeks with the new comfort the facility provided no one wanted to risk the unknown. Then, the worst case scenario: REACTOR FAILURE: Total System Shutdown in 1 Hour! boomed across the facility speaker system as the lights went dark and a dim red glow slowly spread around them.
The Reactor's casing had cracked and radiation was leaking. power levels were critical, and dropping fast! It was now or never... Most of the group made their way to the Transporter. The others left to seek out new shelter. "Transporting 13 Entities".


To Be Continued.....


Faction Based PVP

Key Mod's:
Techguns, ICBM, OpenComputer's, CC:Tweaked, Plethora, Woot, WarpDrive, 

LittleTiles, Mekanism, NuclearCraft, Thermal Exp/Dyn, MPS, and many more! (103 Overall)