Join us as we go Beyond The New Frontier in Minecraft 1.12 where you'll find new items and animals like parrots as well as exploring new mods This is an exploration and dungeon quest pack meant primarily for pve gameplay. There is also public servers listed under Multiplayer
- Mods in the pack are listed below
- Chisel (by tterrag1098)
- Chest Transporter (by CubeX2)
- Chisels & Bits (by AlgorithmX2)
- Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997)
- Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055)
- Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997)
- Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
- Controlling (by jaredlll08)
- CXLibrary (by CubeX2)
- AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
- Botania (by Vazkii)
- Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
- Custom Main Menu (by lumien231)
- Calculator (by Ollie_Lansdell)
- Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Compact Machines (by Davenonymous)
- Better Title Screen (by Girafi)
- Cyclops Core (by kroeser)
- ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098)
- Biomes O' Plenty (by Glitchfiend)
- CraftStudio API (by ZeAmateis)
- Astral Sorcery (by HellFirePvP)
- ArmorPlus (by sokratis12GR)
- Dark Utilities (by Darkhax)
- Cyclic (by Lothrazar)
- Actually Additions (by Ellpeck)
- Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- Brandon's Core (by brandon3055)
- CoFH World (by TeamCoFH)
- Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0)
- Corail Pillar (by Corail31)
- AE2 Stuff (by bdew)
- BdLib (by bdew)
- BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
- CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Angel Ring To Bauble (by Portablejim)
- Bed Patch (by Mordenkainen3141)
- Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
- Default Options (by BlayTheNinth)
- CraftTweaker (by jaredlll08)
- Chameleon (by jaquadro)
- Chance Cubes (by turkey2349)
- Better Advancements (by Way2muchnoise)
- Baubles (by azanor)
- Bookshelf (by Darkhax)
- AbyssalCraft Integration (by Shinoow)
- AbyssalCraft (by Shinoow)
- Resource Loader (by lumien231)
- p455w0rd's Library (by TheRealp455w0rd)
- ZeroCore (by ZeroNoRyouki)
- Overloaded (by cjm721)
- OMLib (by Keridos)
- Mekanism Generators (by aidancbrady)
- Mo' Villages (by The_WeatherPony)
- Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
- PlusTiC (by Landmaster_phuong0429)
- Embers (by epicsquid319)
- TESLA (by Darkhax)
- MTLib (by jaredlll08)
- MPUtils Basic Tools (by GenDeathrow)
- Metamorph (by horsewithnoname)
- Wireless Crafting Terminal (by TheRealp455w0rd)
- Mekanism Tools (by aidancbrady)
- Mekanism (by aidancbrady)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR97)
- Iron Chests (by progwml6)
- Mod Name Tooltip (by mezz)
- Quark (by Vazkii)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
- Woot (by Ipsis)
- Iron Backpacks (by gr8pefish)
- Tiny Progressions (by Kashdeya)
- Mob Grinding Utils (by Vadis365)
- Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
- Primitive Mobs (by Daveyx0)
- RFTools (by McJty)
- Reliquary v1.3 (by P3pp3rF1y)
- The One Probe (by McJty)
- Quick Leaf Decay (by lumien231)
- Simply Jetpacks 2 (by Tomson124)
- Extra Bit Manipulation (by MolecularPhylo)
- Slurpie's Dongles (by Redbullslurpie)
- Sonar Core (by Ollie_Lansdell)
- OpenBlocks (by OpenMods)
- GraveStone Mod (by EuhDawson)
- McJtyLib (by McJty)
- Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Solar Flux Reborn (by apengu_)
- The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
- Environmental Materials (by ValkyrieofNight)
- Soul Shards: The Old Ways (by SgtPunishment)
- Tinkers' Tool Leveling (by bonusboni)
- Hammer Core (by Zeitheron)
- Environmental Tech (by ValkyrieofNight)
- MmmMmmMmmMmm (by bonusboni)
- Glare Torch (by guriguridqm4)
- Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Ranged Pumps (by raoulvdberge)
- Psi (by Vazkii)
- ValkyrieLib (by ValkyrieofNight)
- QuantumStorage (by Gigabit1011)
- iChunUtil (by iChun)
- Hats (by iChun)
- YABBA (by LatvianModder)
- TheDragonLib (by sokratis12GR)
- Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by shadowfactsmc)
- TOP Addons (by DrManganese)
- ToroHealth Damage Indicators (by ToroCraft)
- Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0)
- Immersive Petroleum (by theFlaxbeard)
- Pam's HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil)
- Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135)
- JourneyMap (by techbrew)
- Ore Shrubs (by Lhykos)
- Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- EvilCraft (by kroeser)
- Flux Networks (by Ollie_Lansdell)
- Random Things (by lumien231)
- Mob Dismemberment (by iChun)
- Integration Foregoing (by Jacky1356400)
- Not Enough Wands (by romelo333)
- Wither Skeleton Tweaks (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
- OpenModsLib (by OpenMods)
- Random Utilities (by 61352151511)
- Ender Utilities (by masa_)
- Rough Mobs (by Lellson)
- Tinkers' Addons (by oitsjustjose)
- Mike Dongles (by MrAmericanMike)
- ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
- Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH)
- NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz)
- Reforged (by ThexXTURBOXx)
- FTB Utilities (by FTB)
- Guide-API (by TehNut)
- MPUtils (by GenDeathrow)
- Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
- Not Enough Items 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- Missing Pieces (by sboy205)
- Item Scroller (by masa_)
- Energy Converters (by xalcon)
- Redstone Flux (by TeamCoFH)
- Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
- SlashBlade (by scharfer)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- TorchMaster (by xalcon)
- Ruins (Structure Spawning System) (by AtomicStryker)
- Tesla Core Lib (by Face_of_Cat)
- Portal Gun (by iChun)
- Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
- Reborn Core (by modmuss50)
- FTBLib (by FTB)
- stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by Oliv1er)
- Ore Excavation (by Funwayguy)
- Redstone Paste (by FyberOptic)
- ReAuth (by TechnicianLP)
- FoamFix for Minecraft (by asiekierka)
- EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
- Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
- Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH)
- UniDict (by WanionCane)
- WanionLib (by WanionCane)
- MrTJPCore (by Mr_TJP)
- Forge MultiPart CBE (by covers1624)
- Project Red - Base (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Integration (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Fabrication (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Compat (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Mechanical (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - World (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Lighting (by Mr_TJP)
- Server Files HERE Now! Click on The 1+ Server pack
- 1.11 more your thing try my first pack The New Frontier
- Need Help Try Are Discord