Tekkit The Resurrection 2 avatar

Tekkit The Resurrection 2





Welcome to Tekkit Resurrection 2, a blast from the past with new modern QOL improvements and mods. This is not a Lite modpack, so make sure to have enough RAM (8 GB) for this pack. Not trying to stay as close to the original Tekkit as the first one, as it mods like enderio and thermal expansion, and of course it also has Project E that adds a bit of magic and tech. No IC2 Classic atm, but will be added if it comes out. Some QOL mods were added, like Controlling to make keybinds easier, as well as a gravestone mod so you won't lose all your loot. Public Server IP comes with a pack, so what are you waiting for?


Join our Discord to stay up to date on things, and if you're looking to make a server, don't forget to click down below on the banner. For this pack, it's recommended to have 8 GB of RAM.

https://discord.gg/JfHDY3x6UE Discord Link