Weapon Master is built from the ground up creating modular weapons with full aesthetic freedom, and completely reinventing how you interact with melee combat. With four different types of weapons to fit each style preference, level-based progression, and unlocking hand-sprited cosmetic parts alongside its powerful abilities and passives, eventually you will become a dealer of death capable of wiping out hoards in style. All-new hit-detection methods, full-damage sweeps and piercing, and full configuration on damage, speed, durability, and XP scaling (and even retaining your weapon on death! (unless you configure that too)), crank the difficulty of your next playthrough up to 11 and be amazed what you can do and how good you'll look.
Progress in Weapon Master is entirely streamlined to making use of your weapon. No additional materials are needed besides your base kit and studio - In fact, the mod only features 8 items in total, despite 3.5 billion combinations of parts and abilities. You'll spawn with an in-game tutorial in the Blueprint Binder, which is only a handful of pages and can run you through how everything works.
Though Weapon Master is under the All Rights Reserved license, you are fully free to utilize it in curseforge modpacks without requesting ahead of time, or feature it in videos - So long as they do not modify the file, pay-wall or rehost the download, or claim ownership of any of it. Feel free to contact us (further down this page) should you need to do any of these things or otherwise and want to ask permission.
If you are attempting to create an addon for this mod for whatever reason, just contact us directly and we will work alongside you to create any internal code necessary to facilitate it. Currently, it only natively has support for a few small options.
- Last Updated 2/18/2024
Here's some issues we know the mod has, and are still looking into. Some of these may never be patched, and others have workarounds. This mod is a bit of a mess, so do tell us if one comes up that's not on here.
NOTICE: The 1.18 version is not supported for additional patches, and contains issues not listed here.
- Itself:
- Third person animation can break if multiple players are in third person but one is not holding a weapon in Multiplayer. This will be fixed in the next expansion... hopefully. - Optifine:
- Some shaders are still OK. Optifine is the only incompatible one. If a shader is breaking the rendering on your Studio, try a different one. - Better Combat / Epic Fight:
- Hit detection breaks and makes the weapons unusable due to mixin issues. You can add " *|weaponmaster " or the individual weapon IDs to the internal blacklist/fallback file for Better Combat to make both mods able to run with each other. Epic Fight does NOT have a fallback option available and they are completely incompatible because of this. There will not be cross-compatability on Weapon Master weapons between other animation/hitdetection overhaul mods, as they both are trying to compete for the same territory with wildly different goals. - YDM's Weapon Master
- We accidentally used the same mod ID, and now can't really commit to changing it without obliterating backwards-compat. Oops! There really isn't much we can do here, both options lose quite badly.
Q: Can you port this to [X] old version?
A: No. You gotta understand how difficult this actually is to do.
Q: ...Can you Update to [X] version?
A: We'll always eventually get to putting it on modern versions, yes. Just be patient, we're 2 people.
Q: Can I distribute this elsewhere even with credit?
A: No, Curseforge and Modrinth are our official distributions exclusively. If you're sending a zip of a modpack or something to a friend I don't really care, but no pages for other sites or direct hosts as it is in the guidelines for these sites to not do that anyway, capiche? Ask for permission if you're planning on using it in a public pack outside of Curseforge's environment or etc and we can sort something out.
Q: Can I create a translation / resource pack / addon for the mod?
A: So long as you are following the above (not re-hosting the mod itself, stuff like that) you can create resource packs, mod addons, or etc, just fine. Just never upload the mod itself somewhere else alongside it and you're fine. If it's on a different website, link back to here for people to get the download. And as before, if you're making an addon, please contact us so we can make the tools for it to work, lol
Q: Can you add [X] to the mod?
A: Probably not, we have an internal list of things we'll be adding over time, and we're pretty busy elsewhere. See below.
Weapon Master was made by ForsetCabiri and DesianSkies in our free time between working on our own game. It even represents many of the same modular systems we look up to, and games and other mods we enjoy. So, it might be second in priority and slower, but it will be supported for quite a long time.
All Contact related to Weapon Master should be done through this author (ForsetCabiri) if possible. I handle all the communication and pages for this as of co-owner request, so bring it to me if there is an issue, inquiry, or you just wanna say something about the mod with us. The best methods are through the Curseforge Message System, Email, or Discord.
You can contact ForsetCabiri through email at (forsetcabiri@gmail.com) or on Tumblr (link here). ForsetCabiri is also on Discord under the same ID. We enjoy hearing about your experiences with the mod, so feel free to reach out when something is created.
Have fun!