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Walaryne's Fly Mod


Type /fly (with an optional player name affixed to the end) to enable flight. REQUIRES CHEATS ENABLED IF USING IN SINGLEPLAYER!

Serverside, you must be a level 2 operator to use this command.

It's a very no frills mod, it only adds the command.

More features, such as configurable flight speed, and configurable permissions (whether normal users can use it, or just operators) might be coming in the future.

This mod, even though it is a "server utility" also functions in single player mode.


New features in 0.1.0-fabric for 1.15.2:

Command now accepts multiple targets for players! Toggle your whole server at once!


1.15.2 version REQUIRES Fabric API 0.10.8 build 310 or greater.


1.16.3 version REQUIRES Fabric API 0.24.0 build 411 or greater.


1.16.4 version REQUIRES the latest Fabric API for 1.16.4.



Please do not ask for permission to include this in a modpack, you have my permission.