Point of this gamemode
The idea of SoulSplit (ThirdLife) is to have all players work together inside of a specified world border. Each player starts with three lives. When a player dies, they lose a life, and their name
changes color (green->yellow->red). Players on their last life (red) only have the goal of killing everyone else. This is based off of the ThirdLife SMP series, and since it has only just started, there is not really any way to "win" other than to be the last alive since a win condition has never been specified.
SoulSplit is a purely serversided mod made to run on fabric It has everything you'd expect from the series including:
- colored names (green on 3 lives, yellow on 2, red on 1)
- 3 lives, turn into spectator on third death
SoulSplit is has some unique features to enrich gameplay:
- /soulsplit command (requires op level 4) that has the subcommands:
-start, this automatically starts the game and implements the lives system and worldborder
-stop, this will turn everything back into vanilla minecraft as well as turn spectators back into survival mode
-set, this can be used to set the life of a player (you can change them from spectator back to green, green to yellow, etc)
-pause, this pauses the life system, so if you die you won't lose a life
-resume, this resumes the life system, so you will lose a life if you die
- Red Vignette when players on their last life are nearby. In a configurable distance in the config (0 to disable), whenever a red player is nearby a yellow or green player, a red overlay will get increasingly visible the closer they get.
- WorldBorder, a world border is set (default 1024x1024) when /soulsplit start is ran. The value is configurable in the config
- LifeSteal (off by default) when on your last life (red), killing someone with 2 or 3 lives left (yellow and green) will give you back one life (to yellow)
Planned updates currently there are a few features that are already in the works of being added, features proposed in the comments may be added the list
- Ability to turn on hardcore hearts
- Ability to have more than three lives
- ability to change config ingame using commands