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Rogues & Warriors (RPG Series) avatar

Rogues & Warriors (RPG Series)


🗡️ Silent Blades, Mighty Blows - Dominate with martial skills

Modloader Discord Environment: Client Environment: Server

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ArchersPaladinsWizardsJewelry Death Knigths

📦 Installation


Strongly recommended

🗡️ Features

Martial skills

Find a Spell Binding Table in village Gazebos, or build your own.

To play as a Rogue, create the Rogue Handbook.

To play as a Warrior, create the Warriors' Codex.

Master your class by unlock all the martial skills, to dominate dungeons and battlefields.

Martial skills can be used with any melee weapon (vanilla, or even third party mods).


Explore a whole arsenal of entirely new weapons, with varying characteristics and attack moves.

Some weapons are exclusively available when BetterEnd and BetterNether mods are installed.

Equipment bonuses are configureable in config/rogues/items.json.


Explore new armor sets, designed to sinergize with different combat playstyles.

Rebalanced enchantments

Rebalanced vanilla damage enchantments, so they scale equally for fast and slow weapons.

Sharpness grants +8% damage per level.

Smite grants +12% damage per level.

Bane of Arthropods grants +12% damage per level.

These changes are configurable in config/rogues/tweaks.json.

Disclaimer: on 1.21 and later versions, this is implemented by overriding vanilla enchantment data files. (Datapacks can be used to customize or restore the original behaviour)

Extended dungeon loot

Find powerful weapons and armors in dungeon loot chests!

Loot table injections are configurable in config/rpg_series/loot.json.

New village structures

Find Barracks in villages, where rogue and warrior equipment are being sold!

The spawn weight and limit are configureable in config/rogues/villages.json.

🔧 Configuration

Skill use mechanics and HUD can be configured under Mod Menu / Spell Engine / Settings.