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Modern Life

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 Modern Life


Welcome to Modern Life


Modernize your lifestyle with cameras, paintings, chainsaws, roads, speedometers, chess, glass doors, flashlights, and more!







Designed for Forge.


Features include:

  • Photocopier (v1.18+): Provides a way to make copies of existing photos or drawings.  Add paper to the photocopier, then interact with it while holding a photograph or drawing and choose how many copies you would like to make.
  • Modern Bookshelf (v1.18+): Bookshelf designed to hold mod guidebooks.  One bookshelf can hold up to 16 books.  After placing a mod book onto the shelf, right click the placed book to read it.  Shift-click with empty hands to reclaim a book off the shelf.
  • Catwalk (v1.18+): Decorative walkway.  After placement, you can shift-click this block with an empty hand to permanently remove a railing (allowing access to the catwalk).
  • Winch (v1.18+): Redstone-powered block that can pull blocks using chains.  After placing, place chains coming from the winch to the object you want to pull.  When powered by redstone, the winch will pull in the chain, pulling an equivalent number of blocks attached to the chain with it (Example: A ceiling winch has 3 chain blocks coming out of it and it's connected to a floor made of stone.  The 3 chain blocks will contract and pull up 3 stone blocks from the floor).  If the winch is placed on a ceiling, the winch will also lower the pulled blocks when power is cut off to the winch.  Additionally, the winch has a mode where it will stall the chain (not raise or lower it) if it is powered but the power level is between 1-3.  The winch requires 4+ power to contract its chain.
  • Winch Anchor (v1.18+): If the winch's chain is attached to this block "Winch Anchor" it will behave differently.  The winch will attempt to pull all "winch anchor" blocks that are connected together.  This can be used to construct a moving platform or elevator.  The anchors need to define a frame but the inside can be open (or filled with any other kind of blocks).  See the following example:
  • Motorboat (v1.18+): Speedy 4-person ocean vessel that requires fuel to operate.  Comes with full fuel when crafted but can be re-fueled with a gas can.
  • Handgun: Requires at least one magazine in your inventory to fire.  Left click to fire, right click to aim down sights.  Crafting this item is DISABLED BY DEFAULT IN THE CONFIG.  Change config key "enableHandgun" to allow crafting this item in survival mode.
  • Bicycle
  • Speedometer
  • Working mirror that can show your own reflection (Not compatible with optifine shaders: use client config to disable it if you are using these.  Config key="disableMirrorRendering").  
  • Working CCTV Screen that can display your CCTV Camera feeds within 50 blocks. (Not compatible with certain optifine shaders: use client config to disable it if you are using these.  Config key="disableCCTVRendering".  If it works but it is shaky or blurry, try disabling motion blur in your shader settings.).   Right click to cycle upwards through camera feeds.  Shift-right-click to cycle downward through camera feeds.
  • Digital camera that can take photos & print using a printer
  • Chainsaw designed for cutting down trees (it works on mobs too but it will degrade very quickly).  Credit to lazer1128x for providing updated model.
  • Flashlight (available in all versions, but v1.18+ flashlight works underwater)
  • Easel and canvas for painting your own masterpieces
  • Playable guitar and optional amplifier to add distortion
  • Playable chess board
  • Digital Alarm Clock which can display the current in-game time (may not display correctly with certain optifine shaders)
  • Paved road which increases movement speed of vehicles + road marker to paint stripes or shoulders
  • Refrigerator which can slowly convert water buckets into ice
  • Trash can with unlimited capacity to delete items
  • Seed spreader that can automatically plant seeds deposited into it
  • Deluxe bed which two people can sleep on at the same time
  • Extractor: sideways hopper
  • Metal grate: allows fluids/items/smoke to flow through but blocks mobs and players
  • Microwave for cooking one food item very quickly
  • Stove, for cooking many items in the oven slowly
  • Turntable: rotates blocks and mobs on top of it each time it receives a redstone pulse
  • Radiator: slowly removes snow and ice nearby when turned on
  • Power transmitter/receiver: wireless redstone that works on a per-channel basis, right click to change current channel
  • Toilet: it's a toilet


Plus various pieces of furniture to allow for a more modern decor

Highly configurable with the ability to disable crafting specific items