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Respawning Structures[Forge/Fabric] avatar

Respawning Structures[Forge/Fabric]


Respawning Structures

Bring life back to your world with structures that respawn after a customizable time!

Say goodbye to empty villages and cleared dungeons. With this mod, structures can regenerate automatically or be manually triggered based on a wide range of configurable conditions.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Respawn Timers: Set how long structures remain dormant before respawning, with the timer starting after the last player activity.
  • Player Awareness: Prevents respawns in active areas or near player respawn points, ensuring it won’t interfere with ongoing gameplay.
  • Adaptive Difficulty: Dungeons grow more challenging upon respawn, granting mobs enchanted gear, potion effects, and other upgrades.
  • Smart Detection: Structures where players live, build, or have portals are excluded from respawning.
  • Whitelist/Blacklist Support: Configure exactly which structures are eligible for respawn or exempt specific ones entirely.
  • Lightweight Performance: Optimized for fast processing, with no added lag beyond what the structure generation itself requires.

Take control with flexible settings to tailor the experience to your world! Whether you want an automated revival system or manual respawning for select structures, Respawning Structures keeps your world dynamic and engaging.


Respawn the closest structure within 5 chunks to your current player position:
/respawningstructures respawnClosestStructure

List nearby structures and their position and respawn stats:
/respawningstructures listNearbyStructures

Displays the respawn status of the structure closest to the given position

/respawningstructures structureRespawnStatus <pos>

Sets the flag whether respawning is allowed, true = can respawn(default), false = disabled respawn
/respawningstructures setClosestStructureRespawningFlag <true/false> 

Requires Cupboard dependency

  • Enable/Disable automatic respawn
  • Set the time it takes to respawn
  • Enable/Disable increased mob difficulty for respawned structures
  • White/Blacklist which structures are allowed to respawn
  • Dimension black/whitelist
  • Minimum distance from player respawn point

No known incompatibilities, should work with any other mods.

Only required on serverside.

If you enjoy this mod consider supporting the development, any support is greatly appreciated.

The development is an unpaid free-time activity, so any support helps being able to spend more time on it.
You can support me on Patreon, or just spreading the word around.