Dropped items which already emit light as a block, will also dynamically emit light!
It's so dark here...
Entities holding up items which emit light will light up your world like never before!
Entities on fire will emit light!
Sniper duel
Creepers can make their imminent explosions more apparent through a progressive emission of light!
Finally, the infamous Glow Squibs actually glow in the dark!
Wait... what? **Lasers?!** They do pack a punch... Poor squibs... (Only with LambDynamicLights 4.0.0 and up)
Settings screen as of LambDynamicLights v4.0.0.
Entity settings, as of LambDynamicLights v4.0.0.
Dropped items, which already emit light as a block, will also dynamically emit light!
Light is emitted when entities hold light emitting items.
Any entity on fire will emit light!
Spectral arrows will emit a weak light!
Light emitted from items depend on the light emitted from their respective blocks!
As of v1.2.1.