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On the 14th of Septmeber 1812, Moscow burns to the ground and millions die. Out of those, many were infected with the Blight already, a disease gained by the Russians in the Russo-Turkish War (1806-1812).  Somehow, the corpses reanimate and the zombies begin to walk the Earth for the first time. Between 1812 and 1814, the French, Austrians, bavarians, Prussians, Russians, Danish and British unite, despite poitning their bayonets at each other's throats just a few months ago, in the desperate battles of Berezina, San Sebastian, Leipzig, Kaub, Tyrol and Waterloo.  From 1814 onwards, all of Europe was struggling to survive, until, the British put Europe under quarantine in late 1815.  Now, what remains of the living, you do not know, but you find yourself one of the last alive in Europe, together with some locals that, somehow, survived all this madness with the help of iron giants. Know, it is time for you to make your own path, to get through the survival and fight for something greater. You have the blackpowder, but do you have the guts?

Here's what this mod adds:

-blackpowder, the very fabric of all firearms, as well as dynamites. You can either use the old ways to take gunpowder from lush green, dubious creatures that also roam the Earth, and make with it and coal blackpowder, could search for lava pools beneath the ground for sulfur, then aim for saltpeter, either through mindless mining or by hunting amethyst geodes, for there is spawning a much purer form of saltpeter. Two saltpeter pieces, some sulfur and  one raw coal will make gunpowder. 

-the sabre, a sharp and light sword that you'll find very useful in melee fighting the hordes of zombies. here's the crafting recipe:                                                                                   

-the lance, a long-rage melee that's as tall as the player. This is a modern, lighter version of the pike, with better handling, higher attack speed while offering almost the same reach and damage output. It can only be bought by the weaponsmith villager. 

-the pike, an old medieval heavy long rage melee. High damage output, cheap price and long lasting comes at the drawback of being slow and unmaneuverable. Also can be bought from a weaponsmith.                                    

-firearms, you won't resist the hordes of the undead without these. These are of three types: normal (flintlock pistol, blunderbuss, musket, rifle and carbine), rare (brass pistol and the needle gun) and experimental (air gun and caps musket). The first can be either crafted or bought by the firearms master, which you can distinguish from other villagers by his advanced age, and, in case he didn't spawn in the nearby village, know that they use booskhelves as their block. The second category cannot be crafted and are also sold by the firearms master, but at higher prices and levels than the normal weapons. The third category can only be found by buying them from the firearm engineer, which is very rare to find and so, the best method is to convert a villager into one with a TNT block, but beware that his guns are only one of each type, and that they have sky-high prices, although they are worth it (especially the caps musket). here is a brief of each weapon:

*Flintlock pistol- this little guy may have low damage and piercing, but its fast reload make it useful enough as one's first gun. Here's its recipe:                                                         

*Blunderbuss- good when there are tens of undead after you, although if you miss... Also, it's effectiveness lowers as the distance grows. Here's it's recipe:                                 

*Musket- the standard firearm, never dissapoints, has no major drawbacks, but it's average at basically everything. Very basic. Here's the recipe:                                           

*Rifle- an ingenious weapon created by the Germans, this one is a musket with a rifled barrel, which significally improves its damage and bullet speed. Best for sniping. The recipe:

 *Carbine- it's a shortened musket. Works the same, only that its damage and bullet speed have suffered slightly, in exchange for quicker reload. Pierces through 5 targets.

*Navy pistol- its end looks a bit like a blunderbuss, but it's small like a pistol. This pistol used by the navy fires five shots (it uses only blackpowder to fire). It's short reload time (relative to the blunderbuss) make it superior to both the blunderbuss and the flintlock pistol at crowd control. However, it's drawback is that it doesn't pierce through multiple targets, and that it is pretty inaccurate.

*Brass pistol- the cousin of flintlock pistol, this has a larger caliber than its counterpart. So, it gains piercing, although low (3), as well as higher speed, and a lot of damage (as high as the musket's). All these OP stats, however, don't come without drawbacks- it has significant inacuracy, consumes lots of blackpowder, and it doesn't last any longer than 100 uses. While good for dealing with higher HP enemies, its effectiveness in normal circumstances is almost as that of a flintlock pistol's.

*Needle gun- this 30 emerald-worth gun has the same stats as the musket, only that it reloads twice as fast. Its drawback is that it uses rubber cartidges, which are expensive and can't be craftable. 

*Air gun- this is the only weapon that completely eliminates the need of blackpowder, as it fires an iron ball with the same damage of 21 as the musket, although slower. It reloads in 5-6 seconds It is average at stats, but the fact it doesn't need blackpowder to run and that it has a short reload time make it quite expensive.

*Caps musket- imagine a needle gun which reloads EVEN quicker, and uses metal cartidges. This is the caps musket, each man's dream. But be aware- you may as well be killed long before you even make half of the emeralds needed to buy it!


-firearm cartidges, which you'll need in order to fire your guns. The ammos are small cartidge (flintlock pistol), five-shot cartidge (blunderbuss), long cartidge (musket, rifle and carbine), rubber cartidge (needle gun) and metal cartidge (caps musket). All can be crafted except the rubber cartidge. Here are the recipes:

And here's the recipe for metal sheets, which you'll need in order to craft metal cartidges:


-firearm parts- these are needed in order to craft the normal weapons, here are the recipes:

Now, for the rifled barrel (the last), you'll need a rifled barrel blueprint, which you can only find by buying it from the firearms master.


-zombie biomes, which all four take up about 15% of the Overworld. These are biomes in which everything feels dead, yet somehow alive, like the zombies, which spawn much more usually than in normal biomes. Here are the biomes:

*Graveyard, which is the place where zombies have the highest spawn rate of all these. I would NOT go there at night, not even with a caps musket...

*Ashlands, which are converted plains and desert. Here no tree grows, not even dead shrubs, so it is easier to avoid zombies. Still wouldn't scorch these at night.

*Dead forest. The name says enough about it. This one is the spookiest of all, as it's fog lays down an eerie atmosphere.

*Origin fields, the very lands in which the Blight first gained its reanimation properties. It is very rare, as one to three such biomes will spawn on the map. It is located around Moscow. 

-zombie mobs. These are similar to normal zombies, but are slightly different in stats, and so they make your enemies adaptive and less previsible. All spawn only in Origin Fields and the Graveyard

   The Shambler spawns as much as zombies do. The Shambler is a normal zombie, only it has red eyes and moves slightly faster. You'd rather shoot it or use long melee weapons, for it will come close, it will scratch you. 

   The Runner looks just like a Shambler, only it has twice its HP, but moves 3 times faster. It may not do as much damage as a Shambler does, but it will mainly try to jump on you and bite you. If he won't be able to do that (shield), he will get to kicking, pushing you and stuff like that, which don't do much damage. They spawn less often than Shamblers as well. Beware their not-so-silent attacks!

   The Mutant . Mutants are hard to find (say thanks for that). While It, despite missing an arm and face, has twice as much damage resistance as a normal zombie, as the Blight has mutated its blood vessels into being more resistant and developing a fleshy carapace, but this comes at the cost of being slightly slower than a normal zombie. 


   This is pretty all for now lads, updates WILL be made. I may add structures, but if I do so, I won't forget to also mention them in the upper description. Enjoy your game :)

PS: Thank you MCreator