A server-side mod which adds shops.
| `/shop <shopname>` | `gshop.viewshop.<shopname>` | Opens shop `<shopname>`. |
| `/showshop <target> <shopname>` | `gshop.showshop` | Opens shop `<shopname>` for `<target>` |
| `/shopconfigurator export-itemstack` | `gshop.config` | Returns the String NBT representation of the itemstack in your main hand. |
shops: # a list of sops - name: "default" # each shop has a name categories: # each shop is divided into categories - name: "items" # categories have an icon and a list of entries icon: type: "ITEM_STACK" # type of icons is always ITEM_STACK. stack: "{id:\"minecraft:apple\",Count:1b}" # item stacks are given as stringified NBT entries: - type: "ITEM_STACK" # entries have a type - currently only ITEM_STACK or COMMAND stack: "{id:\"minecraft:apple\",Count:1b}" priceToBuy: 10 # price to buy and sell in gunpowder currency priceToSell: 10 - name: "commands" # another category icon: type: "ITEM_STACK" stack: "{id:\"minecraft:stone_pickaxe\",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0}}" entries: - type: "COMMAND" # another type of entry command: "lp user --buyer-- permission set test.test true" # --buyer-- will be replaced with the buyer name icon: "{id:\"minecraft:stone\",Count:1b,tag:{RepairCost:0,display:{Name:'{\"text\":\"Permission Node: test.test\"}'}}}" # These strings can be copied from the `/shopconfigurator export-itemstack` command, with the stack in your hand. priceToBuy: 100