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Requires Fabric API Requires Fabric Kotlin  If you ask for Forge I'll steal your kneecaps




FabriKommander is a utility mod for server administrators and modpack creators alike. It provides a set of useful quality-of-life tools, primarily for players but with administrator features planned for the future!

In its current state, it simply provides a set of server-side commands. This means that you don't have to install it on the client — but the commands will work in single-player too!

FabriKommander is designed with usability in mind from the ground up. It features fully-coloured output and click and hover actions for every appropriate situation, and it's thoroughly tested to ensure that everything is stable and works correctly.




FabriKommander is currently in a fairly early state, and only includes a small set of commands right now. The following features are planned for the future:

  • Full support for configuration files
  • Client-side modules to make users' lives easier
  • A ton more useful commands and tools





The Homes system works just how Spigot server players are used to, allowing players to set an unlimited number of named homes.

  • /delhome [name] » Delete a home, defaulting to "home"
  • /gethome [name] » Get information on one of your homes, defaulting to "home"
  • /home [name] » Teleport to one of your homes, defaulting to "home"
  • /homes [player] » Get a list of your homes, including click-to-teleport actions; ops (level 2 or higher) may provide an online player name to view the homes of another player
  • /sethome [name] » Set a home at your current position, defaulting to "home"