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EMI Ores


EMI Ores

Easily view ore generation information from inside EMI.

Modrinth CurseForge

EMI Ores is a plugin for the recipe viewer EMI that displays information about how ores generate in the world, including:

  • Y-level distribution
  • Vein size
  • Vein count per chunk
  • Biome restrictions

The mod is required on both client and server in order to function; if present on only one side it will silently disable itself.

Owing to the fact that this mod gathers its data from data pack configured/placed features, modded ores should display correctly without additional configuration in the vast majority of cases.


ore_diamond ore_emerald ore_ancient_debris_large

Comparison with existing ore generation recipe viewer plugins

Feature EMI Ores Just Enough Resources Roughly Enough Resources
Display ore generation information
Display non-ore world generation information
Automatic modded ore support
Display biome restrictions
Combine stone and deepslate ores
Data source Data pack placed/configured features Hard-coded Scanned chunks
Recipe viewer support EMI JEI, EMI (via JEI) REI
Display loot tables 1
Display villager trades 2
Display enchantments available on items 3

Vanilla biome icons licensed CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 by the Minecraft Fandom Wiki contributors, taken from the Biome wiki page.

  1. See EMI Loot.

  2. See EMI Trades.

  3. Basic functionality available in EMI, also see EMI Enchanting.