This is an adventure/exploration mod where you have to explore five different dimensions (Earth, Water, Sky, Spirit, and Fire) and defeat the bosses there. The end result is a very powerful wand that can be used in combination with different focus items to (for example) teleport, dig, do damage and so on.
This mod focuses on exploration and tough mobs. It adds a portal dungeon (surface) in the overworld where you can access the other dimensions. It also features a strict progression into the mod.
This mod was made for the Modding Trials and at this moment is still work in progress. The dimensions are currently rather bare and a lot more is planned. Also all mobs are retextured versions of vanilla mobs and this is also something that we will change.
Documentation: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/mods/index.php/Elemental_Dimensions
Note! This mod is no longer supported on 1.11 or older. Use the 1.12 version!